Untitled Part 5

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It was Monday.

The first Monday where Clint and Bucky wouldn't be allowed in with him. The first Monday that the large amount of his bullies would be back. To say Peter was dreading it was an understatement, he was pretty sure he'd rather die then go in today but he promised to stick it out until they could get the school board did anything.

So Peter got up, showered and changed. He soon entered the kitchen to see Natasha and Pepper chatting in the kitchen, he raised an eyebrow at the two who give him easy smiles and go back to softly chatting. Peter can't help but closely listen in as he takes a bite of his waffles.

"So they're gonna be on the east and west exits of the school......Any pain......Bucky.....Clint will not hold back..." Pepper's voice carried lightly and Natasha nodded along. Peter finished his food and stretched.

"I'm off" He mutters, standing up he feels a hand on his shoulder and see's its Natasha. "Did I miss something?" Peter asked, confused as ever to why the two where being so secretive.

"Just dropping you off is all" She happily enlightens the bored looking teen as she guides him to the elevator. Peter groans already feeling like today was going to be a long day.


The drive to school was short and terrifying as Nat made a list of things she'd do if Peter came home with even a scrape on his chin. His faviourite one was 'Using their intestine as Halloween decorations' That put an image in his head he'd rather forget. He spotted MJ lazily leaning against a pole with Flash Thompson talking to her, he seemed nervous as he spotted Peter and Natasha but stayed grounded. Natasha and Peter share a look and get out of the care together.

"Peter. Flash has something he wants to say" MJ says shoving the boy forward, Flash glared a little but rubbed his neck and looked at Peter.

"Thanks for getting rid of Trip." He says softly and Peter's look of surprise matched Natasha's small intake of breath. "I'm.....I'm sorry I beat you up. I promise the most I wanted to do was call you names but it was either hit you or.." Natasha grunts softly.

"Hit Peter or get hit" She finished and he winced a bit, she was always blunt.

"Not me. He'd go after my younger brother. I was trying to avoid that" He mutters, Peter nods a little. "Doesn't mean I'm not gonna keep calling you names but thats about as low as it gets" He said seriously and Peter nodded. "You get that for snatching my spot on the decatholon team." He nudged Peter's should and walked off. Natasha raised her eyebrow at MJ who just nodded her head.

"MJ meet Natasha. Nat, meet MJ. I'm sure Clint's told you all about her" Peter mutters and Nat smiles taking MJ's hand and shaking it.

"I hear you know your way around a knife. Very impressive, tell me. How did you get him to apologise?" Natasha asked, MJ gave a soft blush and glanced at Peter for help who just smiled encouragingly.

"Just kinda....told him I knew his secret and watched him squirm until he agreed." She mutters and Nat raised her brow, "The secret is I don't know his secret" She chuckled awkwardly and the spy nodded with an encouraging smile.

"Smart. You might make a good spy one day." She mutters and Peter rolls his eyes.

"Ok, you and MJ are not spending time alone together." Peter decides taking his bag and MJ's arm and walking away. "See you tonight Tasha!" He calls and Nat smirks calling back.

"Goodbye Молодой паук" She calls back and MJ gives him a questioning look, he just shook his head in a 'don't ask' kind of way.

Getting to the lockers was weirdly quiet, Ned showed up behind the two talking about the Spanish test they had to take. "Where is everyone?" MJ asked looking around, Peter knew who she meant and apparently Ned agreed.

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