Untitled Part 2

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So after the first day the beatings continued, it almost became a routine.

Flah did the morning beatings.

The twins caught him on his first break. No matter how quickly he left his lessons, they always managed to catch him and hurt him. 

By lunch he'd end up in a locker waiting for Ned to grab him as his ribs or kidneys stund, Travis was to thank for this.

By the end of the day it was either Brad or Trip that took care of him. By the end he'd be bloody and bruised and panting.

That was what it was like for 4 days, from Monday to Thursday they beat the crap out of him for shits and giggles. By Friday everything seemed to cool off.

Flash didn't hit him in the morning.

The twins didn't find him on break.

He actually got to eat lunch out side of a locker.

The day was going well.

And then he left Gym again.

The halls where empty and Peter was feeling incrediably nervous. His spider sences were going mad but he couldn't pin point it until as he was walking past the boys toilets. Hands reached out and grabbed him into the toilets making him yelp and turn to fight. He froze at the sight of the twins and Trip.

"Hey Penis" Trip growled. "Remember what we said Monday, well we decided we didn't have the money for that to waist right now, but I figured.....We could play a bit." The boy grinned at Peter who gulped, backing up as he saw lube laying on the floor.

"Oh suck it up, you liked it last time" Trip purred, The twins grabbed a hold of his arms though they seemed reluctant at that, Peter gave a pull to get away but he couldn't get out. He hated that he was still recovering his strength from the whole regression thing. The twins grunt and held him down on the floor. Peter panicked more as he felt them move around him. His shirt was torn from his body as well as his trousers, Adam gave a low whistle at the sight of Peter's body.

Large bruises layered his chest and abdomin, but he was clearly inspecting Peter's muscle definition. "When did you start working out Penis?" He questions, punching Peter in the stomach who in return coughs violently. "Trying to stand up for your self?" He punches again this time in the ribs.

"To bad that they seem useless, probably steriods." Trip growls out reaching for Peter's trousers and throwing them away. Just as he was reaching for Peter's plaid boxers the bathroom door slammed open. The group and Peter turned to see Pepper Potts and Black Widow staring into the room. Peter breaths out deeply, trying to sit up against the twins hold. They clamp down harder making him hiss out. 

"You have to the count of three to let go of Peter before we string you up like hallowween decorations." Pepper threatens, the boys let go and release Peter immedatly bolted up off the floor and slid back. Pepper immedatly grabbed a hold of him and inspected him. "Boys. Your principle will be talking to you. Natasha, could you kindly lead them in to himwith all their supplies." She takes Peter out side of the room and to the car, Peter shook in a bit of shock. 

Pepper got Peter in the car and before she could even talk to him he broke down. He sobbed heavily into his hands as he curld up, Pepper reached over and pulled the boy closer to her, hushing him gently. "Shh shhh Peter, you're safe. You're ok" She rubbed his back as he sobbed into her.

"I thought they were gonna-again-I" He sobbed more into her and Pepper tightened her hold on the sobbing teen. "Mom I don't-please" He tried to get his words out but all that came out was a stangled plead. 

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