Lesson 1: The Beginning and Forming of AUDC

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At the beginning of last June, I had finished school and was looking for something to do.
I was addicted to Dance Moms and had previously run Roleplays. I decided to start one (CupcakeChampion) but I wanted it to be different. I decided on making AUDC.
Originally I was not part of AUDC. I was just Abby. This season I only participated as Abby to prevent bias.

I didn't expect it to go anywhere but somehow people began to enjoy the Roleplay a lot and I made several friends. It turned from a causal Roleplay to 100-messages-in-an-hour

That's the beginning of what I title 'Dancers Unite' as there's so so so many Roleplays based on it.

What happened in this roleplay?

Well there was not many key events in this roleplay.
There was just 3 main events that happened at all.

-Maddie and Kalani, being in the top every week, were seen as massive competitors. Chloe and Paige were joking about them getting sick, leading to Paige actually poisoning their food. They became very ill and Abby investigated the issue. Paige ended up admitting it.

-Paiges punishment involved doing a babyish ballet dance in a babyish costume which the girls still sometimes laugh at her about.

-The results were attempted to be rigged, so Abby and the girls protested and they ended up not being rigged.

Brooke, Paige, Lani and Maddie were the final competitors. Kalani ended up being crowned the winner of AUDC season 1.

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