Lesson 3: Season 2

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Season 2 was probably the major turning point of AUDC. It became massively dramatic with millions of plots happening all at once. This meant the roleplay was incredibly active. This chapter is going to be a long one!

First off the moms were introduced. This was going to cause a lot of drama anyway, because dance moms are crazy!

At this point a few of Alisas closest friends knew about Abby abusing Alisa for most of her childhood.

Abby placed the girls in dorms, ranking them from Stars down to Extinguish. This was very controversial, obviously, with the lowest of the dorms not even having air conditioning, yet the highest having its own private dance studio.

Another one of the major issues with this is Abby isolated Kalani by giving her her own dorm as a punishment for not letting Abby teach her dance.

Before the competition had even started, Brooke and Payton got into a fight causing them to physically fight and all.

There was A LOT of drama with JoJo, and fighting and things like that however I'm not going to talk about it as it would take a long long time to explain and it is not very important to our storyline here m

Week 1:

A rivalry began against Areana, Maddie Alisa and JoJo, Asia
They got into a fight and JoJo and Asia planned revenge. The others found out and told Abby.

Kira, Christi and Kelly snuck off to a bar causing a massive fight with Abby.

Week 2.

Kalani passed out (which will be a recurring theme), hitting her head and getting a concussion. However she continued to dance.

Velka's mom said some horrible things about the girls, especially Lani.

Alisa had an encounter with her mom and was being forced to mess up at competition so she could be sent home to her dad who also abused her. Abby never wanted her here.

Abby found out about Maddie's boyfriend, which was apparently against the rules and forced her to break up with him.

Payton had a similar punishment to Paige in season 1 for punching Brooke in the face earlier this season.

At competition, velka didn't do great. Her mom stormed downstairs and hit her in front of the others. It became clear that her mom abused her.

Alisa ignored Abby's demands that she purposely do bad, and did well. When Abby was calling out her placement she just said 'We can talk later.'

Week 3:

I would dub this week the most dramatic week in AUDC history.
It was crazy, get ready!

Kendall and Lani were fighting constantly and a strong rivalry was developing

Kalani had been through a lot this season and the girls went out of their way to do something special by organising a sleepover. However this backfired and there was several fights, some getting physical.

Abby became fed up with this drama and at the sleepover she called them all to the auditorium. There she announced how angry she was and that for the rest of the week they would be dancing from 6am in the morning till 12 at night, leaving little time for sleep. They did end up following this.

However the relationships were still crazy so Abby did something even crazier to try fix them. She forced Alisa, her punching bag in the words for Areana, to sit on one of those dunking chairs above freezing cold water and locked the girls in the auditorium. Whenever they said anything bad about each other Abby dunked Alisa.

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