Lesson 4: Keeping Up With The Miller's

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This Roleplay was made to continue during the school year but soon ended as I couldn't keep posting due to school work. This book didn't have any designated 'Weeks' so I'll just write about what happened.

Abby was coming out of jail, and Alisa was terrified. Brooke and Maddie than decided to move in to 'protect' her. Allen (Abby's husband) kept sitting on them

Maddie had her 16th birthday, however Abby crashed it. She tried to explain to everyone that she felt horrible for what she did and hoped they would forgive her. Most did, but decided not to trust her again. Maddie and Kalani did not believe a word of it.

At Maddie's birthday party, Abby tried to question Kalani about her two children dancing at her studio again.

When they went home, Maddie and Alisa were tied up almost instantly, and were told it they struggled, Brooke would die. Abby chucked as she explained her little plan to Maddie and Alisa of killing their friends whenever they did something 'wrong'. They than used a knife to scar the two with the words 'Abby and Allen own you'

Later when Brooke finds out, she becomes terrified as she's been told she'll die all the time.

Abby tried to keep up her nice act with others however after a violent attack, the others soon found out.

Gianna visited for dinner and was complementing Abby's parenting style. Telling Brooke 'you die' and being nice to Paige. However she kept repeating 'Abby's a wonderful person' as if she was trying to convince herself of it.

They tried to force Alisa and Maddie to cook food but there was literally only chips in the house. When they asked Allen he told them to go steal food from the shop. Alisa was terrified and said she couldn't steal, so Allen decided to punish them. So Paige, Brooke, Maddie, Alisa, Abby, Allen and Gianna went to the basement.

Paige was finding it hard to watch and Gianna talked to her, saying "Maddie is a brat and Alisa is annoying. They deserve this"

However cute little Lilly told the man with a badge and Abby and Allen were arrested. They managed to lie themselves out of it, and soon they were home again.

Soon, Season 9 of dance moms was announced. They apparently put it in the contracts of AUDC Season 2, and nobody read them.

Brooke and Maddie were looking through Melissa's stuff and found out that they were sisters. Melissa had Brooke at a young age and Kelly offered to take her due to Melissa's stress. Kelly had Mackenzie, but with 3 other children she became stressed and so Melissa took Mackenzie. This meant Brooke and Maddie were sisters and Paige, Mackenzie and Josh were siblings. Mackenzie found out and was upset.


Abby and Allen decided to give them all bad solos, yet Lilly had an amazing solo.

Maddie got Mackenzie's 'Mouse Trap' solo. Allen told her to fall on stage. He told her to do a 'rolley' and she didn't know the move. He than preceded to get mad yelling "Why do you do this to yourself, why did you become friends with Alisa? You could of been a star!"

Gianna was teaching Brookes solo and was being rude to her, when she got a message on her phone and as she read it said 'Crap I have to get mad at you.' Brooke said that she was already mad, but Gianna explained she meant with a knife. This was one of the first signs of Gianna being controlled.

Paige found out about her and Brooke not being sisters and it hurt her a lot.

Contrasting with Gia's rude treatment of Brooke, Gia was extremely nice to Paige. She explained her contract to Paige, where she was basically owned by Jeff (main producer of dance moms). Paige told her to take the knife out her pocket and Gianna explained that she was not allowed too, and that she hated it too.

She than got a text which she refused to read until Paige made her, Gianna instantly getting upset. Paige read it and Told her to do it, before Gianna purposely broke her phone so she didn't have to.

Areana came in as her mom recently died so Abby was meant to look after her. Allen and Abby decided to call her 'Cinderella' and make her do all the chores so they had more time to attack Maddie and Alisa

Lilly was doing one of Kalani's solos. Lilly was mad at Abby as apparently she ate her unicorn. Abby managed to hypnotise her that Alisa ate it, and Lilly turned into evil Lilly. Lilly attacked Alisa for it. It was later revealed that Lilly thought the attack was acting, however Lilly still continues to alternate between evil Lilly and normal Lilly.

In Kalani's solo, Abby began questioning her about why Madalyn and Olivia weren't signed up for dance lessons with her. It was simple, Kalani didn't want her kids around a physcopath but Abby did not like that.

Paige was hiding in Alisa's solo where she saw Abby attacking her.

They than had a little competition with three teams on who could sell the most lemonade. The winners had to cut the losers face with a knife. The people in the middle got off with nothing.

Alisa attempted to stand up for her friends and be a sacrifice practically, which just caused more punishment

Lilly won at competition and Abby held a party for her, which wasn't very fun because Abby was there.

The girls began to plan how to run away before actually running away. Abby apparently had tracking devices on Maddie and Alisa and found them, in which she got extremely mad and killed Areana (Or did she- No. It was doll. She pretended to kill Areana. She wanted to scare the others)

Kalani became pregnant again and it was obvious Abby cared. However she was at the hospital in Lani when Abby had to put in hospital as she was sick. She soon recovered though.

Kira turned up at Abby's house as it was revealed that Kira was Alisa's real mother. Alisa had been put up for adoption (More drama on this later season 3!!). However Abby claimed it didn't matter, that she had the birthcert. But this meant that Kalisa are sisters!

Kalani was being sassy and Abby hates that. She finally made Abby hate her and Abby no longer cared for her at all.

Lilly and Abby developed a close bond.

Abby lost her voice and could not yell. She forced Gianna to yell for her which sent her over the edge. That night, Gianna attempted suicide where Kalani found her and brought her to hospital. There she was treated and Kalani went out to the car. The drama became too much and she began to hurt herself. A nurse found her and treated her.

That's where keeping up with the Millers ended. Abby still doesn't know about Gianna or Kalani, and who knows if she'll found out. We can only hope she doesn't!

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