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To let you all know it's not Percy x Calypso, Percabeth Forever and Always! I'm also sorry if I make you cry cause some people said they were but I love making people cry through books (not to be evil)


Percy's Pov

I woke up with the sun on my face and the birds chirping.

How could birds chirp this early?

I groaned and got up, threading my hands through my hair. I grabbed my shirt at the end of the bed and went to the bathroom. When I finish I looked in the mirror, there was a picture of all of us at camp in a picture. In that picture Annabeth was on my back and kissed my cheek, I of course was blushing.

I felt a few tears slip. I wiped it off and washed my face.

"Oh Annabeth." I muttered.

I walked to the kitchen and saw mom making blue pancakes,

"Good Morning Percy!" Mom greeted me smiling.

"Morning." She kissed my forehead and asked,

"Would you like anything on your pancakes?"

"Um.. Blueberries and whip cream? Could I also have Nutella hot chocolate?"

"Are you sure Percy?" Mom asked concered

She was probably concerned because Annabeth loved Nutella with a passion.

"Yes mom. Just because she's gone doesn't mean I still can't love her."

She turned around, sighed and started making the hot Nutella chocolate. Then we heard the door bell ring.

"I got it!"

I opened the door and saw someone who I haven't seen in a long time.

"Hey Percy!" Calypso said as she hugged me. I hugged her back I surprise.

"Hey. What are you doing here?" I asked as I released her.

"Well I was wondering how you were since yesterday was..." She trailed off.

"I'm fine, why don't you come in?"

"Thanks" She stepped in and looked around.

Calypso's Pov

As I looked around I noticed there were several pictures on the wall. The first picture was in a beach and, Poseidon and Sally were sittting on the sand and Poseidon kissed her forehead. Poseidon really did love Sally, didn't he?

Another photo was of Sally at the hospital holding new born Percy. She was on the clean white bed, she had a large smile on her face that showed this was one of the best days of her life.

Then I saw a picture of Percy when he was five and his large smile showed that his front two teeth were gone. Percy was holding a clear plastic bag with a goldfish in it, you could tell Percy was really excited about that. There were photos of Percy when he was a child but I heard a voice walking towards us.

"Percy, honey who was... Oh, hello dear!" Sally said surprised.

"Mom, this is Calypso. Calypso, Mom."

"Nice to meet you Mrs.Jackson." I told her politely and held my hand out

"Call me Sally, Mrs.Jackson makes me feel old." Sally shook my hand and lead me to the living room.

"Sit down dear. Would you like anything?"

"No thank you."

There was a rectangular glass table next to me. There were a couple of photos of a wedding, Sally and Paul's I'm guessing.

"You like the photos dear?"

"Yes, very much!" I answered enthusiastically

"Mom, I'll be in my room!" Percy yelled from the stairs.

Sally sighed sadly,

"What's wrong Sally?"

"You know that Percy hasn't been the same with Annabeth gone and it hurts me seeing my little boy like this." She answered visibly upset

"I can't really say Percy and Annabeth were... It's because I never really saw them together, I never actually met Annabeth properly." I said embarrassed

"Well then I will just show you!"

Sally left for a while but Percy came with a scrapbook that was a navy blue and had gray/silver fancy linings, also pearls as well.

"Where's Sally?" I expected Sally to come and bring the book but I'm surprised that a Percy brought it.

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