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Speckles of light flooded through the tiny cracks in my thick, glass window. My eyelids suddenly fluttered open gently and for a solid five minutes, I quietly rubbed my green eyes awake. Instead of getting up, or doing something productive, I allowed myself to concentrate on the golden, beautiful dots all over my floor. This was the thing I loved about summer most, sleeping in and being lazy. Heaven knows this is the only time to do it. When I felt content staring at the sunlight beams that had fallen along the carpet, I propped myself up on one elbow, producing an unexpected yawn. Craning my neck over to look in the hall, I searched for the wall clock. 7:28. Colby must be awake by now.

Colby Ryan Millmorr was my little, and only, brother. He was a knuckle head, that's for sure, but I loved him to death. My mother worked as an employee at a pencil-making factory, so she normally left before either of her children awoke. This also was the reason our family wasn't the richest. We live in, of sorts, a run-down shack that realtors hadn't gotten a single offer for in years. My mother payed almost nothing for it.

A pretty unfortunate tide of events caused me and my little brother's life to twist the way it does. My mother used to be pretty well off, as a contractor. My father... used to live with us as well. After my mother was layed off 6 years ago, he left. My father was the manager of some mortgage company, and he was a solid source of income, so after he ran away... we were left with no money, and lost our beautiful house. I was left homeless at 11 years old..... And Colby was only 1.

The one upside to us loosing our house and living in a shack, is that we're finally near the beach. I practically go every morning of summer... and of course I take Colby with me.

I thought about this as I sat in my twin bed, the warm air surrounding me. After about 20 more minutes, I allowed myself to slink out of bed. The conditions out in the water today would be insane! High tides, surfers, and rip currents. (I wasn't thrilled about the last one, but give or take.)

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