Chapter 1: The Beginning

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"Lily, it's him! Take Harry and go! Quick, get him out of here!" James turned away from his wife as she ran up the stairs. As he braced himself for the coming fight, the door burst open.
Voldemort stood there, eyes glowing with hatred. "Where is he?"
James raised his wand. "You can't have him! I won't let you take him!" James aimed his wand at Voldemort, but before he could so much as think a spell, the flash of green hit him and he crumpled on the floor.
"Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaames!" Voldemort looked up to see Lily holding a baby. He took aim and shot off another killing curse, but Lily conjured a steel shield in front of her.
"You bastard! You killed my husband!" She cast a killing curse without thinking. It rebounded off her shield and hit her. As she fell, Dumbledore appeared next to her and fired off another killing curse at Voldemort.
Voldemort barely conjured his own shield, shocked at his foe's appearance. "Why are you here?"
Dumbledore looked at him grimly. "She called me, Tom." He cast several more killing curses at Voldemort, weakening his shield. The last one finally broke through. However, instead of crumpling to the ground, Voldemort exploded, his body seeming to disintegrate. Dumbledore's eyes widened as he watched the "powder" swirl out the door. He was too distracted to notice that some of the "powder" seeped into Harry.
"What have I done? This is impossible. How is he not dead?" Dumbledore looked down at the baby still clutched in Lily's arms. He noticed little Harry was trying to wriggle out of her grasp.
"Harry!" An unnatural gleam appeared in his eyes as he picked up the child. He noticed an oddly shaped scar on his forehead. He realized that Voldemort's curse must have somehow touched Harry as well. Dumbledore raised his wand, planning to finish the work the curse had started, but then lowered it again. He suddenly had a brilliant idea.
"Let's see if we can't find a place for you, Harry."
Albus Dumbledore's brilliant idea was to ship Harry off to his "Aunt" Petunia. He remembered Petunia from when she had written to him as a child, begging to be accepted to Hogwarts. He had seen from Lily's memories that she had never forgiven him, or any of the magical world, for excluding her. It was the perfect place to send her young wizard "nephew". He took a moment to pause and write a letter to include with the child he would be leaving on the doorstep.
My Dear Petunia Dursley,
It is my unfortunate task to inform you that your sister and brother-in-law have met an untimely end at the hands of the most powerful dark wizard ever, Lord Voldemort. He murdered the two of them, leaving their young son Harry alive, for Merlin only knows what reasons. I managed to chase off Voldemort, however, I fear he may one day return. Because of this, I entrust Harry to your care. In the event that Voldemort does return, I fear that he may have evil plans for your young nephew. You need not worry about your older nephew Alexander, I have already arranged for him to be in a different home. I believe that it is for the best that neither know of one another.
While Harry is in your care, I ask that you do whatever possible to squash the magic out of him. It will be for his own good. If he is no longer a wizard when Lord Voldemort returns, Voldemort will not be able to use him for his own nefarious plots. I know that you will aid me in this task, if not for myself or little Harry, than for whatever love you still have for the sister Lily was to you.
I understand that caring for another child will be a financial burden. Therefore, I have arranged for your family to be financially compensated for your care of Harry until his 17th birthday, at which point he will reach his majority in the wizarding world.
Sincerely Yours,
Albus Dumbledore
Headmaster, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)
Dumbledore then bundled up young Harry, a purse containing 200 pounds, and the letter and apparated to Privet Drive. When he arrived in front of number 4, he saw Minerva McGonagall waiting for him on the doorstep in her cat form. He smiled and blinked, and was suddenly looking the severe witch in the eyes.
"How did you know I would be here, Minerva?"
"Of course."
"I don't suppose you're going to tell my why you're here, of all places?"
"I've come to bring Harry to his aunt and uncle. They're the only family he has left now."
"You don't mean—you can't mean the people who live here?" cried Minerva, pointing at number 4. "Dumbledore, you can't. Muggles?! What about Augusta? She took in Alexander?"
"It's the best place for him. His aunt and uncle will keep him protected. He'll be famous for something he can't even remember! Can't you see how much better off he'll be, growing up away from all that until he's ready? Besides, I've written them a letter. They'll be able to explain everything to him when he's older."
"A letter? Really, Dumbledore, you think you can explain all this in a letter?"
"Obviously, as I have already done so." Dumbledore pushed past Professor McGonagall and set Harry down on the welcome mat. He tucked the letter inside Harry's blankets then walked back to Minerva.
"Come now, it's been a long day for both of us." As they turned to leave, Dumbledore looked back over his shoulder. "Just a moment. I almost forgot." He pulled his wand out and cast a quick warming spell around Harry. It wouldn't do for him to die of cold. Dumbledore had plans for young Harry, and they didn't involve him dying. At least not yet.

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