Chapter 28: Letters

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January 5, 1991
Hi Luna,
I hope you're having fun after the holidays. We've been getting lots of homework from our classes. If it weren't for Mia, I don't know how I'd get it all done. We won the second Quidditch match of our season: Slytherin vs. Ravenclaw. We won 300-260. I caught the Snitch just in time. Oh, and I really appreciate your Christmas gift. The Ravenclaw Seeker tried to stop me by grabbing my shoe, and it came right off. She was so surprised I was able to catch the Snitch easily, even when it flew back towards her. I hope that I get to visit the Malfoys for Easter. I know it sounds silly, but I miss you. Take care, Luna.
January 17, 1991
Hello Harry,
Sounds like a great match. It will be nice to see you play once I'm at Hogwarts. I can't believe I only have a few months left. I'm happy to hear that you are enjoying my gift. I wear yours every day. I've been keeping busy. I bought some of the textbooks I'll need for next year so I can get a head start reading them. I especially enjoy charms. Anyway, you don't sound at all silly. I feel as though something is now missing here at home. I hope you can visit during Easter holidays as well. It would be nice to see you.
January 30, 1991
Hi Luna,
You remind me of Mia. She said she had memorized her school books by the time she took the train. Of course, she's way ahead of us and well on her way to being first in our year, so I'm sure it will serve you well also. It will be nice when you've started Hogwarts, we'll be able to see each other every day. I do hope you don't think I'm being to forward, it's just that I'd like to get to know you better. I also want you to get to know my friends better. I know you and Draco have known each other practically since you were born, but you only got to speak to Mia for a few moments. Do you know what house you would like to be in yet? It would be nice if you were in Slytherin with me, but I'm sure you'll do amazing no matter what house you get sorted into. Have you been keeping busy? Oh, Mia's glaring at me to do my homework. I'd best go.
February 10, 1991
Hello Harry,
I hope I do as well as Mia when I start. It would be so great to be first in the year. She must be very proud of herself. I've been collecting berries, and making fresh-water plimpy soup. Father has been busy with the Quibbler. He said he's discovered proof of the existence of nargles. I worry about him sometimes. I visited the Malfoys and Mrs. Riddle earlier in the week. They all miss you. I'm sure the mirror does wonders. How have your classes been going? Have you learnt anything new and exciting? I think I'd like to be either Slytherin like my father or Ravenclaw like my mother. Father thinks I'm more likely to be in Ravenclaw. Oh, and I don't think you're being forward at all, Harry. I would like to get to know you better too. Oh, dear, I must go, father is calling for me.
Yours truly,
February 21, 1991
Hi Luna,
I do hope mum remembered to provide you with the code. She promised she would remember so you can read this. She said it was a code that my father used, and Dumbledore never figured out. We can write much more freely now. I miss my mum a lot, but we speak at least twice a day via the mirrors, and Draco has been speaking to his parents a few times a week as well. He mentioned I'm invited to come home with him for Easter. I can't imagine Dumbledore saying anything this time. He thinks I don't know Bella is my mum. It works out great for everyone. I've learned lots of new spells, and several interesting potions. We've moved on to transfiguring larger things. We had to change a teacup into a turnip yesterday. That didn't go very well for most everyone. Mia, of course managed in two goes. I managed it by the end of class at least. I'm sure you'll do just as well as her when you're here. Oh, and what are nargles?
March 6, 1991
Hello Harry,
Yes, your mum remembered to give me the code. Forgive my assumption, but I went ahead and wrote this in code as well, assuming you meant for us to always write in code now. Surely Dumbledore will not understand these notes, even if he happens to intercept your mail. It must be exciting to have been presented with something that was your father's. Has anyone mentioned when you might meet him? I've only met your mum that I can recall. I'm really looking forward to your visit in Easter. I'm glad you're doing well in classes. I'll admit I'm slightly jealous that you get to learn so many new things. Father says he can't teach me anything until I've received my Hogwarts letter and am able to get my wand. I hope I can live up to your hopes. About nargles...according to my father, they're creatures that live in mistletoe and apparently are thieves. Nothing major, he tells me, just little things here and there. Oh! How nice, your mother has just come for a visit. I must go.
Yours truly,
P.S. Your mother asked that I say, "Hello" for her. She wishes you well and is anxious for your visit home.
March 19, 1991
Hi Luna,
I'm getting a little worried about events happening here at Hogwarts. We know that there is something hidden at the school, and we're pretty sure it is Nicolas Flamel's Sorcerer's Stone. We're sure that Dumbledore is guarding it for his friend. However, it seems as though Professor Snape is trying to steal it. Even worse, it appears that he is now in league with Professor Quirrell. Earlier in the year, Professor Snape kept Professor Quirrell from asking me very personal questions about my past, but now both of them look at me oddly, and I've seen them speaking closely many times. It wouldn't be so weird except they stop the moment someone comes near. I've only managed to catch them at night when I'm wearing my cloak. I spoke to my mum about it, but she doesn't think it's anything for me to concern myself with. I thought you would find it odd like me, Mia, Draco, Vince, and Greg do. Anyway, enough worrisome things, Easter is only a couple weeks away. We'll be taking the Express on Sunday this week and we'll be coming back on the Monday after. Of course, that means we have Monday off from classes. I hope this gets to you before I see you. Take care, Luna.
Yours truly,
April 4, 1991
Hello Harry,
I really enjoyed your visit. It's a shame homework kept you so busy for most of it. I know your mum was very happy to have you home. Do you know where you'll be spending your summer holidays? I know you mentioned that you used to live with that muggle family. I'd hate for you to go back there. That would be cruel. I can't believe Dumbledore did that. As to our discussion about what's going on at school, you'll just have to wait and see what happens. There isn't much else you can do now. I miss you already, isn't that funny? Father asked me to say, "Hello". He wishes you well at school. I am sorry this is so short, but I must go help him. Take care.
Yours truly,
April 17, 1991
Hi Luna,
Marcus has really been training us hard. He's determined to win the final match of the season. Between Quidditch practice, homework, and trying to solve this mystery surrounding the stone, I hardly have time to do anything. Of course, I can make time for you, Luna. Mia insists on reminding us that exams are only two months away. She's already studying for exams! She keeps telling us we need to study too. They rest of us humor her when we have nothing else to do. I don't know how she can finish all her homework, help others, and still have time for several hours of reviewing each day. She's part machine, I think. She's a great friend though, and we all love her. I haven't had a chance to do much else about the mystery of the stone. Do you know anything about three-headed dogs? To get to the stone, you have to get past one. We don't think Professor Snape or Professor Quirrell have worked out how to get past it, but once they do, the stone is in danger. I haven't heard anything about my summer holidays. I think Dumbledore expects me to go back to the Dursleys. Oh, Mia is giving me death glares as I haven't finished my homework. I'd best go.
Yours Truly,
May 1, 1991
Hello Harry,
It sounds as though you've been extremely busy. I'm touched that you're making time for me, but please don't do it at the cost of your academics. I've never heard of a three-headed dog before. It sounds fascinating. Doesn't Hogwarts teach Care of Magical Creatures? Could you ask the professor? Or perhaps a groundskeeper? I'm sure he or she would run into many different creatures in the forest. Anyway, don't get into too much trouble. It's so close to exams. Mia's right, you have less than two months now. That really isn't very much time, especially when you're so busy. I don't mean to nag, but I feel it is my duty as a friend to make sure you're aware. I wish you well with your final Quidditch game. When will it be? Also, Harry, has it occurred to you that since Dumbledore is the one we know to be evil that the Professors are attempting to save it from him? Perhaps you should be assisting them. Just a thought, anyway. Do take care, Harry.
Yours truly,
May 14, 1991
Hi Luna,
Your suggestion was brilliant, but we hit a bit of a snag.. The Care of Magical Creatures didn't know much about three-headed dogs and was suspicious as to why we were asking. Vince came up with the brilliant suggestion that Mia had been telling us some muggle mythology and we wanted to know if they existed in the magical world. Flea suggested asking Hagrid, the groundskeeper. Unfortunately, when we arrived at his cabin, we found he had acquired a dragon's egg. Mia didn't want to tell anyone, but the rest of us all agreed it was pretty daft of him to keep a dragon in a wooden house. We let Professor Snape know, and he arranged to have the dragon transported to Romania to live in a colony run by some of his friends. Before we left, we asked Hagrid where he got the egg. He said he'd gotten it from someone at a pub. Hermione thought it was rather suspicious, especially since he couldn't remember what the man looked like. When we returned today to ask Hagrid about the man again, he was very drunk, upset about the dragon. He'd named it Norbert. However, he did mention that to settle down the three-headed dog, you only had to play music. I suggested we immediately retrieve the stone, but Mia wouldn't hear of it. She said it was too much trouble to potentially get into before exams. I suppose I can see her point on that. The Quidditch match has been scheduled for the Saturday after exams, on June fifteenth. I can't believe it's only a month away. We all discussed the suggestion you made about Dumbledore and the professors, and agree there is a good chance that you may be right. I'm embarrassed to admit that none of us thought of that before. We aren't sure what to think just now. Thank you for all of your help, Luna. Do take care.
Yours truly,
May 27, 1991
Hello Harry,
I'm glad I was helpful to you. It's a shame that Hagrid had to give away his dragon, but it does seem silly to try to keep on in a wooden house. He should have known better. It was nice of Professor Snape to help him. Dragons are illegal to own as pets in England. I'm incredibly surprised that someone was just walking around with a dragon egg in his or her pocket. It's probably a good thing you listen to Mia so much. You seem to be rather exuberant when you have an idea. You need to make a plan before just rushing into things. You're so close to the end of the year now. I can't wait to see you again, if not for summer holidays, then at the beginning of next year. My letter is due soon. I should be getting it around the middle of July. Only a couple more months now. Focus on your exams and Quidditch for now. I hope to hear that you've done well in both. Be safe, Harry.
Yours truly,
June 14, 1991
Hi Luna,
I've finished exams now. I think we all did fairly well. For some reason Mia likes to go over her exam papers once we're finished. We make her do that alone, none of us want to think of the exams after they're done. The exams weren't nearly as terrible as I imagined. Several of them were quite easy, surprisingly. Mia swears that it's proof that studying early makes all the difference in the world. We all just nod and let her go on as she pleases. Now, I have some shocking news, so please don't fret once you've read this. We know that the professors will be going after the stone tonight. The five of us are going to follow them. We're taking my cloak. We need to save the stone. I respect Professor Snape, but the stone is not his, and even if he is trying to save it from Dumbledore, this is not the way to do it. We're going to destroy the stone so it cannot be used. I'm sure we'll be successful, so like I said, don't fret. Besides, we'll be out long before you read this, so keep in mind that if anything had gone wrong, you surely would have read about it in the paper. Take care, Luna.
Yours truly,

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