Chapter 21: Malfoy Manor

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As the train pulled into King's Cross Station, Harry grew nervous. He had never met a friend's parents before. Of course, that was mainly because he had never had a friend before Hogwarts. Knowing that Draco's family was so eager to meet him didn't help much either. Draco could tell that Harry was nervous.
"Harry, calm down. You're visiting for Christmas, not meeting future in-laws. There's nothing to be nervous about." Alexander said with a smile.
Harry laughed.
"You're right. I am being silly, aren't I?"
Hermione laughed. "Yes, Harry, you are. Oh! I want you all to meet my parents as well." They all agreed, then helped each other with their trunks. Between them, they managed to get all the trunks off the train, onto the platform, and onto carts. They followed Hermione to her parents.
"Mum! Dad!" She hugged both of them.
"Hello, Mia! How are you dear?"
"I'm great, Mum. Now, I'd like to introduce you to my friends. This is Harry, Draco, Vince, Greg, and Flea. He's a second year." They all nodded and said, 'Hello' when their name was mentioned.
"Well, It's nice to meet you all," said Mr. Granger. "Hermione has told us so much about you in her letters. We'll let you go find your families. Happy holidays!" They all echoed his sentiment and bid good-bye to Hermione.
Draco led them to the other side of the platform to where his parents usually waited. Greg and Vince spotted their parents and moved to join them. Draco told Harry and Alexander that they would be meeting the Goyles and the Crabbes at his parents' annual Christmas party, so they continued down the platform without introductions. Finally, Draco spotted his parents. He took off at a run, Harry and Alexander following behind at a slower pace.
"Mummy! Dad!"
"Draco! Dearest, we were getting worried!" said his mother as she enveloped him in a hug. Lucius hugged Draco also.
"Son, it's good to see you. You've grown."
"A little, Sir. I'll need new robes soon. Where is Aunt Bella? And Lettie?" His mother leaned down and whispered in his ear.
"We thought it best if they did not join us. We were worried they might make a scene." Draco nodded. Harry and Alexander finally made it up to the group.
"Mother, Father, this is Harry. And Alexander. He's the second year I told you about." Narcissa gave them each a hug.
"Hello, Dears. It is good to finally meet you."
"It's good to meet you too, Mrs. Malfoy. Draco's told me a lot about you. Thank you for inviting us to visit you for the holidays." He turned to Lucius. "And you, too, Mr. Malfoy. I really appreciate it." They both smiled.
"Allow me to give my thanks as well." Alexander said, bowing to them both.
"You are very welcome, Harry dear. You too Alexander," said Narcissa.
"Come along, everyone. We should be getting home." Lucius shrunk the three trunks and gave them to the boys to put in their pockets. They all walked over to the Apparition point. Harry hadn't noticed this area before. It was a walled in courtyard that extended past the warded area of Platform 9¾. Draco and Alexander each took one of Lucius's arms, and Harry watched as they disappeared. Harry turned to Mrs. Malfoy.
"Where did they go?"
"They Apparated, dear. Adult wizard's travel by Apparition. We can also bring others with us. It is called side-along Apparition. Take my arm, Harry." Harry did so, and felt Mrs. Malfoy turn slightly. Suddenly he felt as though he was being sucked through a straw. The immense pressure was extremely uncomfortable. Luckily, in moments, the pressure eased, and Harry saw that he was standing in front of a large manor house.
"Welcome to Malfoy Manor, Harry." Narcissa waved her wand and the gates parted with a creak, closing with a slam as soon as they were though. Harry nervously followed Narcissa, wondering what was awaiting him inside.
As they stepped into the foyer, a strange creature appeared with a loud 'crack'. The little creature had large, bat-like ears and bulging green eyes the size of tennis balls. Harry noticed it was wearing a pillowcase with rips for arm and leg holes. It bowed low without looking them in the eye.
"How may Dobby serve mistress?"
"Dobby, please take Harry's trunk and show him to his room. Same for Alexander." She turned to Harry and Alexander. "You two, feel free to rest or relax. You aren't expected until dinner. However, if you wish to come down before then, call for Dobby and he will bring you to the sitting room."
"Ok, Mrs. Malfoy. Thank you."
"Thank you Mrs. Malfoy."
"Oh, goodness, I almost forgot. Harry, Alexander, please take out your trunks and set them on the ground." The two boys did so. She then enlarged them both. Harry didn't see how Dobby would possible manage to bring both of them up the stairs. However, the elf merely snapped his fingers, levitating the trunks behind him.
"Master Harry and Master Alexander will please follow Dobby."
"Oh, ok. Thanks Dobby." Harry followed Dobby up the main stairs and down a long hallway. Alexander followed after him as well. Dobby opened to the fifth door down the hall and stepped back to allow Harry to enter. Harry walked in, completely floored by the opulence. A large bed stood in the middle of the room. It was a dark wood. The sheets were silver, the quilt was green. There were silver and green hangings around it. The floor, ceiling, and walls were a silver marble with green highlights. There were black, green, and silver rugs on the floors. There were several black chests of drawers, as well as a small vanity. Harry could see a door at the back. He figured it probably led to a bathroom. Before he could go check, Dobby spoke.
"Forgive Dobby, Master Harry. It is a great honor to meet you. Dobby has heard much of you, yes. If Master Harry needs anything, please call Dobby. Dobby must go now, Master Harry." Dobby placed Harry's trunk at the foot of the bed and disappeared with a loud 'crack'. Harry shook his head and went to investigate the closed door.
It did, indeed lead to a bathroom. The bathroom was made of the same marble. There was a large, Jacuzzi-tub as well as a shower. There was also a nice sink, a full-length mirror, and a sectioned off toilet stall. Harry washed his face then went back out into his bedroom.
Harry went over to Alexander's room which was next to his. It was identical to his but had a pretty blue and silver theme. He went back to his room. Harry was unsure if the Malfoy family dressed for dinner, so he pulled out his simple black dress robes and put them on. He tried to make his hair lie flat, but was unsuccessful, as always. When he was ready, he called for Dobby who appeared with another loud 'crack'.
"Dobby, would you please show me to the sitting room now?"
"Yes, of course, Master Harry. Please follow Dobby." Harry did so, and soon joined the other Malfoys and Alexander, who was in simple ink black dress robes. Dobby bowed himself out.
"Harry, dear, you look dashing. As do you Alexander. Come have a seat. Would you two care for some tea?"
"Yes, thank you, Mrs. Malfoy." He took the tea from Narcissa then sat in the armchair next to Draco. Alexander also took a cup and sat next to Harry. Draco immediately turned to Harry.
"Harry, do you mind if I tell father about the train incident. It is your choice, of course, but I think he should know." Harry, still a little upset about the entire incident, had no problem with Lucius knowing.
"No, of course not, Draco. Feel free to let him know."
"Ok, I may need your help with some of it though. After all, I wasn't there."
"What exactly happened, Draco?" Draco turned back to his father.
"Dumbledore attempted to stop Harry from visiting us." Narcissa sputtered.
"What?! How is that possible? On what grounds?" Draco looked to Harry.
"He seemed to think I needed permission from my guardians."
"And how did you get around his objection?" asked Lucius. Harry and Draco launched into the story. Harry filled in the details Draco was unaware of or forgot. Everyone had a good laugh at the headmaster's expense. "Draco, who is Hermione? She is very brave to stand up to Dumbledore that way, and rather loyal. She is also obviously smart to remember all of that information so precisely off the top of her head. I don't think you've mentioned her before." Draco turned red, so Harry answered for him.
"Hermione is one of our close friends. The three of us along with Vince Greg and Alexander form a tight-knit sextet." Lucius turned back to Draco.
"And which family line is she from? She sounds as though she may be of the Black line. She certainly has some spunk to take on Dumbledore in that way. Is she a powerful witch?" Draco seized on the last question.
"She's very powerful. She's one of the top of the class. It wouldn't surprise me if she is named Head Girl when the time comes."
"Excellent. But you didn't tell me, what family is she from? I know she's not part of our circle, I would have met her."
"No, she's not part of our circle, father. She's..." Draco trailed off, unsure how to phrase the answer in a way that would avoid his father's wrath. Harry took over for him. He had no idea why Draco couldn't just tell his father.
"She's the first muggle-born ever to be sorted into Slytherin. She's amazing, Mr. Malfoy. She can master any spell on the first try. She's a great friend, too. If it wasn't for her, I certainly wouldn't get all my homework done. Her mind is like a trap. Anything she hears or reads she remembers perfectly. Her verbal sparring with Dumbledore is a perfect example of that." Lucius had turned to his son with a sneer as Harry spoke.
"She's muggle-born? Really? Quite interesting." Harry looked up in surprise at Lucius' tone.
"Is there a problem with that, Sir? The Sorting Hat found her worthy of Slytherin, the first muggle-born ever. There must be something extremely special about her." Lucius noted how Harry's eyes flashed behind his glasses.
"Not to mention she can put most second years to shame." Alexander nodded.
"Yes, indeed. There must be. I'm sure she is a wonderful witch. After all, she bested Dumbledore. I merely found it interesting that she was sorted into Slytherin." Harry, unwilling to start any problems with his host quickly agreed and put an end to the tension. Narcissa ventured onto a different topic.
"Harry, I understand you are the Slytherin seeker. Quite an achievement, I must say. And Draco said you led the house to victory for the first match." Harry turned to Narcissa gratefully.
"Well, I helped the team win, Mrs. Malfoy. I certainly didn't do it myself. I'm honored to be part of such a great team. We should have no problem winning the Quidditch Cup again."
"Wonderful. Lucius, dear, we really must visit for the next match. It should be delightful." Lucius smiled indulgently at his wife.
"Of course, my dear. Whatever you wish." Not long after, Dobby announced dinner. As Harry followed Draco to the dining room, he whispered a quick question.
"Draco, what kind of creature is Dobby?"
"He's a house elf. They're a type of servant."
"Oh. And what's with the pillowcase?"
"House elves are presented clothes when they are dismissed. While they are in service to a family, the house elf wears a uniform. I understand the Hogwarts elves wear tea-towels. Others wear pillowcases, like ours. Still others wear bits of cloth like togas."
"Oh. That's odd."
"Yes, but I've never thought to ask how the tradition started, so I don't know why it's done." As they turned down another hallway, Harry turned back to Draco.
"How am I ever going to learn to navigate your house?" Draco laughed. As did Alexander.
"Don't worry, I'll help you find your way. And you can always call on a house elf."
"Oh, good point. Ok. Thanks."
"Oh, Aunt Bella and Lettie will be joining us for dinner." Harry swallowed nervously. Draco had mentioned several times how desperate his aunt and this Lettie girl were to meet Harry. Harry tried to recall the other odd statement made by Draco, but couldn't quite recall. They finally made it to the dining room. Lucius and Narcissa entered arm in arm. Draco followed close behind, then Alexander, and Harry entered last. It was as he looked at the table trying to figure out which seat was his, that two other people entered behind him.

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