Act One ~ Chapter One

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First day of high school.

  Alexander spoke silently, knowing there were only two that could possibly hear him.

Oh yeah!!

  Came the reply. Alex chuckled at his soulmate's enthusiasm. He could almost imagine he or she (it was impossible to truly tell through the haze of the mind) fist bumping the air.


  And that was all it took to have Alex bursting into laughter on the sidewalk in front of his new school.

's not funny.. 'm too tired for school...

You're still in bed?! Love, this is the first day of the rest of our lives!! Our whole futures ride on this day.

   Alex nodded in agreement as he wiped the tears out of his eyes, knowing that they couldn't see him. The two of them have moments like this, where one of them is super excited about something and the other is less than willing to do whatever it was they were doing. This time just happened to be school.

Unlike you two, this isn't my first day.. I've already been at this for a year...


Wait.. what if we go to the same school you do?! Then we might finally meet!!

   The others had already met. It happened while it was raining, Alexander had been hiding away in his room, blasting music through his headphones to muffle the sound of thunder, when the two happened to bump into each at a coffee shop. Apparently, they were both surprised by the other's identity.

Maybe... I'll talk to you guys later, my brother just showed up.


Bye, amour.

   Alex smiled at the French nickname as he walked towards Lafayette, his adoptive brother under the Washington's, of whom just happened to be french himself, through the slightly crowded hallway he had just entered. Laf had gotten there sooner since he had gotten up earlier and drove himself. "Mon Ami, there you are! I've been looking for you. Have you gotten your schedule yet?" Laf reminded Alexander of a mother, worried about her young child, at that moment.

   "Not yet, Gilbert." Alex smiled. "I was actually just on my way there when I ran into you." It was true, he was on his way to the principle's office to make sure he had everything, fill out any paperwork concerning his transfer that hadn't already been filled out, and find out when and where his (mostly advanced) classes were.

   The French man sighed. "C'mon." He said shaking his head with the ghost of a smile on his lips. Leading him down the corridor.

'First Period ~ Math
Second Period ~ Creative Writing (Advanced)
Third Period ~ Science (Advanced)
Fourth Period ~ History (Advanced)
Fifth Period ~ Lunch
Sixth Period ~ Free period (study hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays)
Seventh Period ~ French (Advanced)
Eighth Period ~ Theater
Ninth Period ~ Debate

   "Who's idea was it to have math first thing in the morning?" Alex groaned.

   Lafayette just chuckled and said: "At least we have it together, petit frère!" Showing him his own schedule. They only had math and theater together, but that should be okay. This gave Alex some freedom, actually.

   After the brothers left the office, Alexander was met with the smiling faces of the two people he had hoped he wouldn't see here, just down the hallway. Tomas Jefferson and John Laurens. They were obviously soulmates, there was no question. As soon as you saw the way they looked at each other, you knew. They were also the ones that had terrorized Alex since he moved before he was even adopted by Washington's.

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