when peyton harper's boyfriend (mark evans) for 2 years cheats on her with the schools slut, samantha jones.
It tears peyton apart to see her own boyfriend with a bimbo like her.
so she calls her best friend, lily jackson. so when lily says "get r...
I make my way towards the park. Only to be met with darkness,between me and you the dark terrifies me. I cant see no body or anything.when i take a step i hear a branch snap,and i stop in my tracks. Turn around with someone covering my mouth,i try to scream but i cant make a sound. I try to punch the person but the person stops me and then says "its only me,chill." Hearing Liam's voice i calm down he leads me to a table towards light. Wow now there's light. "So what did you want to ask me?" he asks i hesitate to answer but do it anyway." so you know me and mark aren't dating anymore?" i said and he nods "well i wanted to get revenge...."he nods slowly waiting for me to continue." so i was wanting to make mark jealous of loosing me, and i was wondering if you could uh.."i say not wanting to say it."oh for the love of god spit it out already" he said impatiently "i was wondering if you would be my fake boyfriend,there i was wondering if you could help me....please im begging." I stare at him giving him my puppy eyes. Waiting for him to answer he finally sighs and says "fine,im willing to help you,only because i hate mark and i don't like him for shit.ok?"i nod excitedly saying "thank you thank you." he then says something i did not know the answer to "how long do we date for?" i look up showing a 'i don't know look' "okayyy then we will date until we piss him off ok?" "Good plan,so any questions?" "Yeahhh,what do we do?I've never been in a relationship before."he says nervously "really? Wow thought you had lots."i laugh a little making him giggle. We started headed towards our neighborhood, we only live a few houser from each other.
*couple minutes later* "You wanna come inside for a drink,i mean we have been walking for about 30 minutes."he says trying to ve polite i gotta say liam is so adorable. " sure,id love to." we headed inside and i was met by a blonde beautiful woman,i think it could be Liam's mother.
She turned around from cooking dinner and noticed liam. "Hey,honey where were you-" She noticed me standing there. "Oh,hello dear.liam introduce me to your friend."i lightly smile i am not quite social with parents if i don't talk to them often. "Mum,this is my...."he looked at me through the side of his eye. "This is peyton harper. My girlfriend."he took me by surprise,we wants to keep the plan a secret."oh my word,honey come give me a hug."she comes toward me stretching out her arms,and squeezes me tightly. Liam seems to notice,because he then he says"ok mum,your gonna kill her."he laughs lightly. "Thank you mrs. Reed." "oh honey,don't call me that,it makes me sound old. Call me Jessica." i nod in comes a man with a suit. Im assuming its liam father also. "Honey,did you know liam has a girlfriend we haven't heard of?"he looks at me and smiles holding out his hand. "Michael reed.pleasure to meet you." i smile"pleasure is all mine."
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soon it is all quiet until liam pipes in and says "where are the girls?" I have a look of confusion on my face."they actually called right when i came home. They should be home right now." right when anybody said anything. Three girls walked in laughing. I looked up and couldn't believe my eyes,their was three girls that looked identical.
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"Hey mum,dad,liam."one says and then their eyes come to me, and they say at the same time. "Hello there what's your name?" "Peyton,what are yours?" they were standing side by side the first one on the left said "kayley"the one in the middle said "jayley" and the last one said "hayley" liam says "its getting late i think you should probably get home after you get something to drink,yeah?" i nod i wave every one goodbye and i hear jessica whisper 'that's Liam's girlfriend.' i hear squealing so i just laugh to myself "those are my parents and my sisters."liam says "they are very nice"i said he nods he gives me water which i down in like five seconds. I ask liam"hey is it ok if you give me a ride to school,because mine broke down in front of marks house" he nods "yeah it will be beginning in our 'relationship'" he give me his one million dollar smirk. I laugh. He walks me home,walking me to my porch where i can see the lights are on. My mum must be home. I turn around realizing how close liam and i are. "So how should i do this?" he leans down i can feel his hot minty breath by my lips. I stop breathing realizing i could hear my heart. Can he hear it too? Then with one swift move i connect my lips with his. I quickly stopped the kiss knowing i had just KISSED the bad boy. "Pick you up at 8 sharp." he pecks my cheek i feel a blush coming on. He waves bye. And i head inside.
"Who is that handsome snack you were sucking faces with?" I jump almost screaming. Seeing my mum there ,i run to go hug her tightly. "That's....." i realize what i should tell her if i said he is my friend then why were we kissing. So there leaves one answer."my boyfriend." my mom's eyes literally pop out of her head. And she jumps and says "where are my grand babies?" She puts her hand on my stomach i literally die with laughter. "Mum stop im not pregnant." my mum stops in disappointment and then she says "yet".
After saying goodnight i head towards my room and take a shower. Once im done i get dressed and head to bed thinking about the kissed i shared with liam. I think he's getting soft on me? Nah he's the bad boy well wait till tomorrow comes. Shitload of jealousy is about to come.
Here's what Peyton's mum looks like.
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So how did you like it? I think i did pretty good. I didn't stop writing. This is 1107 words. Don't forget to vote and comment ideas. ~alexis