The perfect couple

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I wake up to the sound alarm going off.
"I dont want to get up!"i complain to myself. But i dont have a choice. I realize today is the start of my plan with liam.

I jump out of my bed towards my shower. Once im done i get dressed in blue washed jeans with a a peachy-ish looking colored shirt. I started braiding my hair in dutch,on both sides of my head. I start doing simple make-up,mascara,eye liner,eye shadow,and pink lip stick. I put on my black converse. And head to my phone and backpack and head downstairs.

I find my mom cooking breakfast. I tip-toe,trying to scare her. And i gladly do so. I sneak over her shoulder holding my breath and then i speak. "Whatcha makin'" she jumps with a knife in her hand. "Geez,dont sneak up on a woman like that!"she yells with wide-eyes. I laugh when she hands me a plate with pancakes with nutella and strawberries.

*couple minutes later*

"Thanks mom that's delicious. Are you working tonight?"i ask putting my dish in the dishwasher. She nods looking upset "yes,im sorry i know i've been working a lot lately. But its my job you know how important it is to me." i nod "i know mom. It's okay. But i have to go to school now but ill see you when you come back home." i was about to hug her when i get a text .

Liam: im here.

Me:yeah be right there.:)

"I gotta go but i love you and dont worry im always fine."i say to my mom while hugging her good bye. "Bye love. Have a good day at school."i nod heading towards liams car. He unlocks the car and i hop in. "Hi!"i chirp up to liam. Only to be greeted with a nod. I smile slightly.

The car ride was silent and kinda awkward but liam decides to break the silence. " know that kiss?" he asks rubbing his neck indicating he's nervous. I nodded looking away. "It was amazing....."i look at him again "but-"i look down,there is always a but in these situations. "It was a mistake.this is only for revenge,not falling in love or shit like that."he turns to look at me but when i look back he turns back to the road. "Yeah,it was...sorry." i tried covering up my sadness,i have no idea why i am feeling this way about this situation. He's right though,its only for revenge.

Soon we pull into his car parking area. Where all the cheerleaders are mostly at with the jocks. He turns in his seat to look at me.
"We are just gonna act like a natural couple....holding hands and stuff like that. He says nodding i nod in reply. We jump out of the car getting stares from people. Liam comes by my side and grabs my hand,lacing our fingers together. He whispers near my ear "mark is staring at us with a lot of rage"he says smirking making me laugh "it's show time"he smiles down at me.

Girls give death glares,i swear if looks could kill i would be six feet under. I look to where Mark is standing with the bimbo of course. We walk inside the building where our lockers are.
    I spot lilly a my locker,rummaging inside her backpack. She then looks up and looks at me and then to liam,her eyes widening in the process

I smile at her. "Im going to go,okay? But ill be back to walk you to class."i hear liam over my shoulder. I turn around and nod at him he waves good bye.

"Is it just me or did die and come back alive when i saw liam right there?"lilly says unexpectedly
"Girl you better lay off my man"i say with a raising eyebrow. "Well im sorry he is so hot."she laughs making me laugh "i am absolutely surprised he agreed" she says. "Yeah,we are both getting revenge. I dont know what he is getting revenge for."i say excitedly.

"Well this outta be good"lilly says smiling wildly. The bell rings,we both start walking to class. Right then i get grabbed by my arm. I thought it was liam but i was way off....

Want to take a wild guess??

It was....

I am so sorry about the cliff hanger but i had to i am storing ideas. I haven't updated lately stuff important came up. Like no joke Pat_is_positive knows. But other than that i will be continuing thjs story thanks to Pat_is_positive and skittles1005. For the motivation.

If you have any ideas please inform me.

Without further a do. I have received a question:how often do you update?
Well i update when i can. But i can say every sunday.

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