'i love you still'

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'Please tell me guys like panic! At the disco? Omg i love them listen to the song above "death of a bachelor'
It was.....

Ugh,enough with the mystery shit! You guessed it,the person is mark.

Mark grabbed my hand turning me around telling me 'we need to talk'. I cant believe he has the audacity to come up an talk to me like that! Umm hell to the fucking no honey. "There's nothing to talk about,marcus."

Oh yes honey i used the full name card. He hates when people call him by his full name.
I try to get out of his grip,but only made him tug harder. Pretty sure im gonna have bruise.

"Of course there is something to talk about peyton! Your with liam now!?"he whisper yells trying to keep the attention away but obviously fails as everyone stops doing what they are doing and focus' on us.

"Yes,yes i am. Why? Do you have a problem with that?"i say sounding like im talking to a toddler,basically talking to him like he's stupid.

"Umm well no fucking duh i have a problem with that!"he says a little louder,with a disgusted face. Okay, i seriously need that saying that says 'saved by the bell' but only if it happened now like come on universe. Eh,i got time to play.

"Well deal with it marcus,you've moved on an so have i." i had finally threw his hands off of me in frustration. I then start to walk ,but only to be yanked once again. Ugh! What does he not get? Hehe more drama i mean i questioned myself last night before i drifted off to sleep. Why are you gonna pretend to date someone to get back at the person who broke your heart?

To answer the question,well i cant. I have no idea what im doing! Fuck my life am i right?
I turn to face him with a frustrated sigh "mark,just leave me alone!you made your choice an i made mine,and its liam!"i say turning once again i know im probably loosing weight by just sweating in frustration lol.

But this time mark-marcus i am not gonna say the nickname. He ran to stop me,grabbing me by the waist. Widening my eyes i didn't do anything,i felt like i was stuck an couldn't move but the thing is i didn't feel the "butterfly's" or the tingling feeling i had when we first touched.

"Please babe,you know i love you an i know u still love me too!" marcus said looking me in the eyes an i finally realized what he said an blinked back in focus.

"And yet you cheated on ME,so dont go saying 'you love me' when you proved yourself to me." i say smiling because i actually thought it was funny,what he said was interesting to me.

Before he said anything else he looked behind me,an before i could look i felt a hand slide to my waist making marks hands let go of me. An i felt tingles...weird? I knew exactly who was grabbing me this time.

"Is there a problem?...baby?"liam said in an amusing voice an probably smirking i dont dougt it.i get shivers up my spine when he says baby? Omg i feel honored.

But i know this is just for show. Dont get your hopes up Peyton its an act. I nod "yeah i was just leaving babe"i say nervously hugging liam from his side. And i smile like i am in love with him looking directly in his eyes.

Liam smirked more an tightened his grip on my waist making me nervous. He looked up an his smirk vanished like dust. He looks deadly with no emotion at mark and i seriously got the chills, just both of them looking at each other like that, i am surprised they are not six feet under. And finally i get to say this 'saved by bell' because at that moment when people were filming and not talking just watching this like it's riverdale.

The bell rings an everybody hasn't moved but ugh people get a life! "Um,babe lets get to class?"i ask in a worried voice i didn't want to get the mix between them but dayyumm im so into this stare down. I wonder what caused this hatred in the first place?

"Yeah,yeah,yeah lets hurry up with this day so we can have our time at my place." liam says in a husky voice looking at me winking i smile because i hear mark growl. Its really working!
Ha! Suck on that mark!

"It was nice seeing you....markus?"i ask confusingly trying to piss mark off even more if its possible. Mark was about to leave but stopped by my ear an whispered angrily "this is not over baby." i roll my eyes and before i could say anything he walks off not in the direction of class,he is probably ditching not like i care but he never ditched well at least i hope not.

Liam looks at me expectantly waiting for me to tell him what mark whispered but i didn't, I just laced our hands together and walked off, and ignoring the people's 'oohs' an 'awws' like what the hell? Am i that popular?
Umm no peyton stop dreaming.

Ugh stupid subconscious.
Liam and i head to class i have today i like the way me and Liam's hand feel together. We finally reached the corner getting into the elevator going up two flights because our classes are up stairs an im not going up two flights up stairs. That's how lazy i am.

When the doors closes i look towards liam an he looks down at our laced hands i quickly jerk my hand away amidiatley missing the warmth our hands gave me-well i dont know about him though eh doesn't matter.

He looks up at me and leans back on the wall. I smirk "do you think that worked...baby?"i ask teasingly causing him to roll his eyes. And smirks "well if i got you nervous as hell i think i got him pissed off too"he smiles cockingly. Ugh ass! He won this one.

"So wha- ahhhh" i jolt by the feeling of a shiver in my tummy when the elevator goes up ever get that feeling? I get a look from liam saying 'what in the hell just happened?' he didn't get that? Eh maybe just me?

"Elevator jitters"i smile innocently causing him to smirk.
"So as i was saying,what's gonna happen now?" i ask liam causing him to think before shrugging.
"Wow 'babe' thanks a lot"i smile sarcastically an he nods in agreement before stepping towards me an grabbing me by the waist causing me to lose my breathing.

Wow i have never felt this way before not even with mark. Omg i sound like a nine year old girl.
He was leaning down looking at my lips. Omg he is breaking that rule not even in front of people but still without my knowledge.

Before he can do anything the elevator stops and the sound of a ping noice sounds and i hurriedly jolt and run out of there leaving a confused liam.

Dang cant wait for the rest of the day. Note the sarcasm

Hey readers! Its me lily jk its alexis lol i am so sorry about how long i took now with school back ugh just save me i have to help a teacher with kids omg they are so mean! Like i have younger brothers an sisters but when u have them u can just smack them you know at least i do lol if u dont i want ur siblings lmao!
But yeah i feel like school is going to go by fast....i have like nothing to say rn...


Yes i did an my older sister eh im proud of her. So i have a pretty busy time so i can probably update as soon as i can.

If you read all of this from me i love u lol
Until next time

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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