when peyton harper's boyfriend (mark evans) for 2 years cheats on her with the schools slut, samantha jones.
It tears peyton apart to see her own boyfriend with a bimbo like her.
so she calls her best friend, lily jackson. so when lily says "get r...
"Ugh,damnit its so damn early" i groan into my pillow, not wanting to get up. But then i remember, today is my anniversary with mark.
"Ahhhhhh" i scream in excitement, i get my outfit ready. Which is a white crop top and ripped washed blue jeans with vans. I took a shower last night anyway.
did my make-up. Brown eye liner ,eye shadow, mascara,and plum lipstick.
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Once i was ready grabbed my bag and my phone. Don't really say anything to my parents since they are at one of their business trips in chicago. Welp. I mean i love them and all but at least they can cut me some slack you know?
Well, i get into my red charger,i got for my 17th birthday present. (Now 18) start driving to school when i get there i see my lovely boyfriend standing by his car on his phone. I exit my car, locked it. And i scurried to mark.
"Hi baby" he says kissing me on my forehead.
"Hey babe"i say, making our way towards the hallway.
I reach my locker with mark. I grab my text book. "Hey babe, im going to hang with the boys after football practice.ok?" yeah that's right he's in football.not just football but the CAPTAIN. "Ok babe, have fun" i said kissing him goodbye.
I turn my face toward my locker looking for my pencil. Then i hear screaming, knowing who that is lily. My best friend honestly i don't know how we became friends oh that's right our parents work with each other. "Hey bitch!! Watcha up to?" quick fact lily cusses a lot when shes hipe im kinda used to it by now. " jesus christ, lily when do u ever stop cursing?" is say exhaustingly" when you go to the party with me this friday night"she says i never go to party's because that's when every body is hella drunk and trust me its bad and sometimes funny to see am i right? "For the last time lily. Im not going to the party this is literally your thousandth time asking" i say annoyed "But zack is throwing it" she whines. She has been in love with zach ever since she saw him. He hangs out with liam,hunter,and dean. They are the bad boys of the school. Right when i was going to say something the doors open, and in walks the bad boys,to be honest between me and you tho liam is the hottest.
Suddenly i feel a very tight squeeze on my forearm, causing pain. I yelp in pain causing looks to come my way. I look right back at liam and he smirks. Oh mother of god if i had him. I know i have a boyfriend but come on lady's we can look but we can't have right? And i realize me and liam have our eyes locked for like minute. And he's walking our way with hunter,zach,and dean. Zack pipes in first "hi'ya ladies you comin' to the party this friday?" zach says to lily and I and i say nothing having a staring contest with liam. I look at lily and laugh because she is literally drooling. And i say "We'll be there for sure."i feel lily face towards me trying to contain a squeal. "Alright we'll see you girls there."i nod
Lily yelps "omg yes i love you, thank you for telling them yes!!" "Mmhhmm" i hmm realizing what i got myself into.
Hi guys there's an update. Don't forget to vote and comment Love ya❤💜