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"Louis, get your lazy ass up!" Louis's mother yells.

 Louis grumbles as he sits up in his bed "I'm up!" Louis yells back; rubbing his eyes, he gets up out of bed, throwing on whatever he saw first. It ended up being a plain white shirt, his football jacket, and black skinny jeans. Louis - as you could say - is the most popular kid in school along with his buddies. He played almost any sport that was available at the school - along with his friends.  He basically hated the world and despised gays. He thought it was absolutely disgusting how they liked it up the ass. "Who would want to do that?" he questions out loud.

"What did you say?!" His mother screeches downstairs. "Did you say that I should go fuck myself?!"

Louis pales. "No mother I didn't! I swear!" There was no comment. He sighs hoping that he was out of the trouble his mother was going to put him in. It was silent for about a good two minutes before his mother came crashing through the room with a plastic spatula. She towered over him and repeatedly whacked him on the head several times. "Mom! Mom! I'm sorry, but stop hitting me!" Louis groans out.

"Fine, but I want you downstairs in five minuets if you don't want another beating." She cackles. "I'm just kidding! I love you too much to any harm to you." She struts out of the room.

"Sure you love me, you just beat me upside the head with a spatula." Louis grumbled.

"I heard that!"


"Bye mother." Louis yells as he's leaving the house.

"BYE! I hope you have a FABULOUS day!" His mother screams back.

Louis sighs, but decided to ignore it and continue going to his motorcycle. I need a cigarette, he thinks sighing deeply again. I woke up twenty minuets ago, and today is already shit! he exclaims. He stops at a red light, and looks over at the sidewalk. His eyes widened. Now why is there a beautiful lady walking by herself? She wore a skirt - he wished it was shorter - that was almost knee length, a sweater, a pink book bag, and a flower crown. Louis almost called out for her, but she turned around to look around the area. It was then he realized it was a guy wearing feminine clothing. He recoiled and almost fell off his bike. Several car horns blared, waking him from his stupor. He quickly sped off deep in thought; he felt disgusted with himself.


Quickly pulling out a cigarette, he rushed to the back of the school. Louis fumbled with the lighter for a moment before finally lighting it. Cigarettes were his stress reliever; it helped him when sex couldn't. One of his friends walked around the building. "Hey dude, you aren't smoking with us?"

"Nah. I'm good here," he exhaled smoke, "but if you want to join me that's fine."

"I'm fine. I'll be with the others." He gave a fake smile and left. Louis scoffed, What a prick. Whatever. He snuffs the cigarette, not feeling like smoking anymore. He slid down the wall to the ground. Looking up at the clear blue sky, he wonders what the flower boy was doing. Louis stood up and shook his head angered by the thought of the flower crown boy. He stormed inside to the cafeteria, and grabbed the nearest girl. He threw her in a janitor's closet. She giggled and started to strip. He slammed the door behind him.

(A/N I'm not writing a sex scene for the sake of myself and others. Sorry if you wanted it^-^')


Louis was listening to a joke given from his friend when he saw the boy with the flower crown. "Hey look who it is." the boy next to whispered. All of them watched as he opened the locker.

"Watch this," Louis whispered; he walked up behind him.

"C-can I h-help you" the boy stutters. 

Louis roles his eyes at him and smirks. "Yeah, by moving." he scoffs. He pushes the boy, and he stumbles back. The flower boy was about to cry! What a crybaby!  One of the boys that was Louis, turns to Harry. "Wow, you're just a little twink." Lane teases. The boy started to gather tears in his eyes. The boy wipes his eyes.

 "I-I'm not a t-twink!" The boy tries to defend himself.  Lane raised his eyebrows "Well okay, twink." Lane chuckles. The boy pouts and tries to put his stuff in his locker, shutting it and attempted to walk away from the them. "Aw, did I make the little faggot sad?" He asks, gripping Harry's arm. Harry tries to jerk his arm back, "Please, get off." Harry whines, trying to pull away from him.

"Lane, get off of him, you could get his disease." Louis laughed. Lane lets go and fakes a disgusted look, "Oh fuck! Get away from me you disease!" he yells, Louis laughs even harder at this. The flower boy now had tears running down his cheeks. He starts to run away from the boys. The group started laughing.

"Fags are so disgusting aren't they, Louis?" Lane inquired.

"Indeed they are Lane." Louis replied back. He was still watching where the flower boy ran off to, deep in thought. 

~ Written by YukiCross2003

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