Why me?

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Harry walks alongside Louis silently. What is running through his head? Is he angry? At me? What? He suddenly stops in my tracks. He had just had a brainfart. Harry shakes his head. He rushes to catch up with Louis. It is not much longer until they reach the doors to exit the building. "What are we doing outside?" Harry questions.

"Because." Louis deadpans. Harry stays quiet for a few moments. He looks up at Louis, then back to the floor. Once they reach the back of the school, Louis announces, "Someone is helping me with something, so we are arranging a schedule for us to meet up." The boys smoking nod and say okay.

Lane looks up and exclaims, "It the flower faggot!" The rest of them quickly glance up and their eyes widened. "What is he doing here?"

"I already told you, fuckface." Louis's eye twitches in irritation. Lane's mouth makes an 'o' (CA/N I just have to point out that it makes a face lol) formation. "I'm going off to get a drink, so don't harass him too much." With that Louis leaves Harry with the boys who are glaring hatefully at him. Well, there is one girl, but she didn't seem to care that much by the way she was grinding against another person. Lane gets up and pushes Harry.

"Look slut, you think you are worth anything, well, you're wrong." Lane sneers. "C'mon guys, let's beat him up." They laugh and join Lane in bullying Harry. In ten torturous minutes, Harry was given a back eye, bloody nose, bruised ribs, and a broken heart. He had taken it all though. Without saying a word. After everything was said and done, he quietly picked himself up off the ground - tears steaming down his red face -,  and went to walk home. His bookbag was in his locker as was everything else school related. He had his phone and was just going to walk home.

Profanities being screamed at behind his back, but he never once looked back. He just kept walking as if him walking away would change anything. People would still be mean to him. It seemed as he had been walking for hours, when only he was walking for about five minutes. He just felt numb - and that scared him. He had never felt that way before. Harry tried to think positive, but it was futile. He let out a loud sigh, Maybe they are just having a bad day? Who am I kidding, they just don't like me. I'm never liked by anyone. Maybe just a handful.

Once again, Harry considers moving, but that would mean mommy has to get a new job. They weren't rich, so it wasn't like they could just pack up and move. He would just have to push through it. He nodded his head. Yeah, I can do this. He lifts his head higher. I just have to be the better person. Harry pulls out his phone and called his mom. It rang and rang, until her voice mail sounded. "Mommy, I left school early because I felt sick." And with that, he hung up the phone.


Harry's mommy was on a business trip. That would mean him being alone for a week in his house. Not that he planned to go anywhere. Harry had bruises everywhere that they hit him. So, he skipped school, claiming he was sick. His friends tried calling him, but he completely turned off his phone. He barely ate that week; he only would eat when he was in pain because he was hungry. He binged watched any Disney movie, musical, or kid movie he could find. It made him feel a bit better than  what he was feeling before. Before he knew it, the bruises were faded and could be easily covered with make up and the week was over.

CA/N Sorry, this chapter was a bit rushed. I have been feeling out of it (⌯˃̶᷄ ﹏ ˂̶᷄⌯)゚, but I'm okay now and will try and write more!

~Written by YukiCross2003

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