Red as Blood, White as Snow

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"Unbelievable!" Elza cried as she flew Alice and Subaru up the snow covered mountains, her black wings flapping furiously. "We went through all that and just to be sent up Scene-it-no-where!" 

"It's better then nothing," said Subaru, Elza holding onto his vest with unnatural strengths. "Is that the cottage?"

"It is," said Alice

In a dash, Elza flew down and landed with a THUD!

"Ouch! Softly please!" Subaru cried "My head is already huge!"

"Sorry," said Alice before her stomach growled "Sorry. I haven't eaten in a while, it's hard to grow Wonder Berries in the snow,"

"Well there are some apples over there," said Elza, pointing to a beautiful apple tree "Grab a few and lets get going,"

"Okay, okay,"

Alice walked over to the apple tree, it looked beautiful with it's mint colored leaves and ruby apples framed by the pure white snow. Alice reached out to pick one before a loud voice cried "Don't touch those apples!"

Everyone turned, a young girl wearing a red cloak stood in the snow. "Oh, sorry, is this your tree?" Subaru asked

"No! But you cannot have those apples! They're cursed!" The girl ran over to them. "My sister took one of those apples and she was cursed! She fell asleep and she won't wake up," The girl blinked back her tears "It's been five days .... So don't eat those apples! That tree grew without our knowing and we ate it's fruit without knowing the price,"

"We're sorry about your sister," said Alice

"Apple ... sleeping," Subaru began to put the pieces together, he didn't even know how "Your sister wouldn't happen to be Snow White, would she?"

"Well some call her that," the girl nodded "I'm Maria Rose Red,"

"Well some call her that," the girl nodded "I'm Maria Rose Red,"

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"Then you're who we're looking for!" said Elza

Maria, now that she had calmed down, finally got a better look at Elza, she turned pail (even more pail then she already was). "You're ... you're ..."

"She's on the up and up," said Subaru

"W-what?" Maria asked "What does that mean?"

"She's with us," said Alice "I'm Alice, this is Subaru (the Mad Hatter), and you know Elza. We're looking for Juri, have you seen her?"

"Um ... not me exactly," Maria sniffed "It was my sister, she told me about it. She ... she ..."

"Why don't we go inside first?" said Elza "Where's your cottage,"

"Um, right over here,"


The inside of the cottage wasn't that much warmer then the outside but it was warmer! Subaru welcomed it completely! The cottage itself was small, the room they were in seemed to be a living room of sorts with a beautiful painting of a flowery field. Another room with a wooden archway revealed a white curtain, the window behind it relieving a silhouette of  - what looked like - someone resting.

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