The Reason Why

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The six carefully followed behind Lillie, being sure to stay on guard in case she pulled anything on them.

Lillie took them down a series of icy steps, almost everyone slipped at least once (except for Elza, Lillie, and Alice). Once they were at the bottom, Lillie took them down another hall, then into a room. It was huge a round with a dome above it, and in the middle was a girl frozen in a block of ice.

"This is why I came here," said Lillie "She's my friend, Yuzu. While we were visiting her I froze her heart by accident. She would have died but sealing her in this ice block has preserved her final breaths. If everything was cold enough she could live ... forever,"

Everyone turned to the girl frozen in a block of ice, they looked at Lillie

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Everyone turned to the girl frozen in a block of ice, they looked at Lillie. "Lillie ... it doesn't work like that," said Maria "People die -"

"But Yuzu doesn't deserve it!" Lillie snapped "This was my fault, if I can make her live then everything will be alright. And we can be together for now until the end of time,"

A shiver went up their spines, and it wasn't from the cold.

"Lillie," said Alice "You can't do this. I know what it's like for someone you love to die -"

"And I don't want to know the feeling," Lillie interrupted "I just want Yuzu to stay alive,"

"But is that what Yuzu would want?" Subaru asked, there was a long pause. "It's hard to say goodbye, especially when you love them so much. But the saying is that if you love someone then let them go. Do you really think Yuzu wants to be trapped in ice for the rest of her days?"

"But ..." Lillie paused "But ... I can't let her die,"

"So you'll let others die so that Yuzu can stay in this ice prison?"

"You know hurt too, I know you do!" said Lillie "You've lost someone, how can you not understand how I am feeling?"

"I am under standing!" said Subaru "And you can't hold on like this. The people you love will always be there for you ... even when it seems like they're not,"

Lillie looked from Subaru to Yuzu. A single tear fell from Lillie's eyes ... and it did not freeze to ice. "Do it," she said


"Juri ... unfreeze the ice,"

"Lillie -" Juri started

"Do it now before I change my mind!"

Juri paused then nodded. she walked over to Yuzu and unfroze her from the block of ice and, in the prosses, thawing most of the ice around them as well.

Yuzu's eyes shot open and she was breathing heavily. "W-w-what? ... Where?" she said

"Yuzu," said Lillie "I'm so sorry I did this to you. You didn't deserve to be my prisoner,"

"Prisoner?" said Yuzu "You never ... had my imprisoned,"

Lillie shook her head "I did,"

"Juri," Yume whispered "Isn't there anything you can do to stop this?"

"Not if Lillie struck her heart," said Juri

"Lillie," said Yuzu, her chest turning to ice "You were always ... a great friend,"

"Yuzu -"


"Yuzu," Lillie's eyes welded with tears as Yuzu's body turned more and more blue and icy. A tear escaped from her and landed on Yuzu.

Then ... slowly but surely, Yuzu began to unfreeze. She was thawing! Everyone watched in amazement as Yuzu started to turn back to normal.

Yuzu touched her chest, she gasped. "I'm ... I'm not dead!" sh exclaimed "I'm not dead!"

"Yes ... you're not!" Lillie and Yuzu hugged "But ... how?"

"An act of true love," said Elza "Lillie, you let her free,"

"All I had to do was let go," said Lillie "Yuzu I'm so sorry I didn't do this sooner,"

"Think nothing of it!" Yuzu said hugging Lillie tighter "Now! Let's go home!"

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