Chapter 15:

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My Alpha Mate is My Enemy Too

Chapter 15:

Jenny's Pov:

That kiss was amazing! It felt like my entire body was on fire – in a good way of course. I don't know how long we kissed for, but it was like we were in our own world! Luckily for us, only Hunter was there and he politely ignored us, but I mean, like, what if the Pack had seen! A fierce blush flared on my cheeks, but I couldn't help the goofy smile on my face.

"Uhm.. So, when can we discuss our action plan? I would like to be able to have something to say to my Pack.."said Hunter, a slighly impatient tone to his voice.

"Meet me here in another hour. I'll bring my father along. He'll need to know about this and it would be preferable for your father to be present as well. Jenny and her Father too. This is an urgent matter, so please arrange for them to be present by any means possible,"said Austin.

"My father is already aware Austin, he is on his way as we speak. I would like it if my beta,Chad is present as well,"I said.

"That's fine with me,"said Austin with a shrug.We all went our separate ways, hurrying to organised the meeting. I had already informed my father of the goings on and he was already on his way, so all that was left now, was to tell Chad.

"Hey, listen up! We're going to have a meeting here in an hour's time to discuss the.." I couldn't think of a word so I said, ".. issues. I asked for you to be present as well,"I told him.

"Shot Bro, I'll be there. Just going to make a round around the area, just to make sure we're secure," said Chad, already on his way. Always the protector.

Austin's Pov:

I told my father as soon as I got in on what the situation was and we both rushed back so that we could make it back in time for the meeting. We told Drake and Jake to look after the Pack while we were away, we don't need news of yet another attack. As it was, everyone was on full alert, but rather be safe than sorry, I thought as we rushed.

I filled him in on my plan to train Jenny and how I wanted to make a sort of peace treaty with the Stark Pack. My father was impressed and agreed with my plan. He didn't have a problem with Hunter, but he did say Hunter's dad may pose a problem. Just great. I shoved that thought out of my mind, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Arriving at the spot I had said would be the meeting spot, we saw that everyone was already present. We exchanged formal greetings.

"As we all know a little of what's going on. We need to discuss a plan of action. Hunter and I agreed on a joint peace treaty with regards to Jenny's safety. My father, Alpha of the Moonstone pack, is in agreement, but we need the consent of everyone else.

I only realized Alpha Stark was not very keen when he voiced his concern, "I don't mean to put a damper on things, I just want to know how this will help. I agree, we need to protect Jenny, but she is an Alpha in her own right, her Pack is capable of withstanding an attack. Meanwhile our pack is just recovering. To set up patrols, we're opening ourselves up to an attack, we would be vulnerable. We've just started training and this would interrupt our plan of action," said Alpha Stark.

"Always knew you would be selfish. This is a young woman who would bring only wisdom and luck to our packs and you're worried about yourself!" said Alpha Adams.

"Don't judge me for wanting what's best for my Pack! Thinking everyone should be saints, does not necessarily make them that! I'm sorry if I don't agree!" Said Alpha Stark.

"Would you two stop it! This is not between you both only. This involves my daughter and the Hunter Pack. Alpha Stark has made a valid point about us being able to protect my daughter, I would lay my life for her, but this is bigger than three Packs! These ruthless wolves want power and they could cripple all of us without even doing anything because we are infighting! Because we're being stupid and listening to our ego's! We are falling straight into their hands! I believe what our kids are trying to do is protect each other. This is not just about my daughter. Please listen to everything before you both jump at each other's throats,"said my father.

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