Chapter 29:

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My Alpha mate is my enemy too

Chapter 29:

Jenny P.O.V:
"Father, Father! Nooo! Please spare us!" I said screaming, running and running, but still I saw the horrific image of my father dying. I tried calling for Austin or anyone to help, they were blocking me, " What do you'll want? Let us go please! He needs a doctor!" I yelled at them..

That was when I woke up, realizing it was a nightmare. I rushed down to my father's office and hugged him tight. I was crying and terrified at what I saw. I'd never had such bad dreams before. Never. After I calmed down, I explained what had happened...

What scared me the most was that my father said, a white wolf can see a certain future, it can be changed but we need to know what caused it, what decision lead to that point.. It scared the hell out of me. What do I do? Why my dad?

I had all these questions whirling in my head.

Austin's P.O.V:
" I'm setting curfew for the kids. Please make sure that everyone abides by it. We have noticed an increase in attacks at our borders, and with the tournament in a few days, we need all our fighters to be focused and not worried about the families," I said.

 We were having a pack meeting, everyone in the pack had to be present, but strangely Drake, Jason and Jake weren't...

Drake: We're lost

Jason: I told you we should've asked for directions.

Jake: Shut up. I'm sure we're on the right road. Just not sure if we missed the turn or not.

Drake: Do you think they would've noticed our absence by now?

Just then, they got mind linked from Austin.

Austin:" Where are you guys?"

Jake: "Out"

Drake: "Visiting" 

Jason:"Uhm, yeah, what he said"

Austin: " I'm serious. Tell me now or I will use my Alpha command"

Jake: "Tell Nicky and Ashley we are fine"

And with that, we blocked the link. It sure will piss Austin off. But, we're on a mission. But, at the moment we're somewhere in middle of nowhere between San Anthony and Hamedal.

Nicky's P.O.V:
" They what?!" I said. Austin was telling us about the guys, "Yeah, I don't get it, they blocked you!" said Ashley.
*"Jake?!"* I yelled through our link. *"Guessing your brother just told you. Please don't tell anyone we're talking. I promised the guys I won't say anything, but I needed someone to know. We're safe for now, but please don't say a word. We're hunting something, or rather someone, that's all I am saying. I love you,"* he said.
*" Okay, I love you too, please be careful"*.
"He blocked me as well," I tell them, I knew they were as worried as was I, but I promised I wouldn't say anything.

Chad's P.O.V:
"Listen, I know this is hard to hear, but we need to know details of the place, so we can go and investigate," I told Jenny gently. Ever since her nightmare she refused to talk about it, I knew she was seriously affected by what she had seen, but we need to know what we are facing.
"I can't. Chad, I won't let it happen. I can't repeat it. Please don't ask me to," she said. And when I said we must call Austin, she refused and said she doesn't want to worry him.

Ever since we found out about her wolf, we haven't been together. Just the three of us, so I decided we should pack a bag of goodies and go for a picnic somewhere, just to get her mind of things. She agreed and I went to the kitchen to organize it with the cook.

"She cannot leave the house, Chad. It's not safe," said Alpha Moonstone.
"Please sir, she needs this. I promise I will protect her with my life," I said.
"I know you will, Chad. But the attacks are on the rise and this dream.. I don't know if it's safe," he said. " I can't lose her Chad, she is my life," he told me.

"I know sir, she has been like my sister, best friend and Alpha. I would lay my life before any harm could happen.. She needs this. Too much pressure won't help anything," I said gently.

He stood silently for a few moments, he nodded silently and we left.

Wonder how the picnic goes and what are the boys upto..


Instagram: MIZSATHAR

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Lots of Love


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