Chapter 45:

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My alpha mate is my enemy too:

Chapter 45:

Unknown P.O.V:

Those damn mutts are at it again! First they limit our roaming area now they want to control our population! No way am I letting animals do a men job!

Me: gather troops, we will fend for ourselves, it time we took our lands back! And use all your ammo! I want none alive!

April P.O.V:

I was getting worried, I didn't hear any new from Chad, meaning Jen still under the spell! What if she doesn't make it!

I must stay positive! I was with all the other she-wolf in the safe house, Nicky and Ashley guarded the door in case a rogue decided to attack, I was trained as well but due to my condition I couldn't defend my pack! My pup come first

There a lot of commotion going outside, we can literally hear the wolfs going at each other, it so gruesome, I decided it best the young pups aren't aware so we each gave them their phone to listen to something to block out the horror of outside.

One little girl refused, saying her dad was outside, she needed to know if he will be alright, her mother was nowhere to be seen

Me: hey princess where your mommy?

Little girl: She is in haven with my brother, they were killed by mean dogs, daddy said he is going to teach them a lesson than we can go on holiday, that why I want to wait for daddy!

Me: okay sweetie, I'm so sorry about your mommy and brother, I'm sure your daddy will come

I couldn't believe such young little pup had to go through such horrible circumstances, those damn rogues! Hope Chad and the rest finishes them off!

Nicky P.O.V:

Although it just been an hour since it broken out, I started to get worried, the noise level just seem to increase, there no end to this horrid fighting, I was so scared for Jake and the others! Especially my brother, Jenny is still not back and that doesn't look good...

Jake: * she here*

She came! Omw! This is so great!

Me: hey listen up guys! Our luna has come! She going to save us! Come on she-wolf's let keep strong! We can make it!

Drake * Nicky and Ashley, there two rogue near the compound! Please take them out before they find the safe haven!*

We put two other she-wolf in case one escape and rush over.

One was a rustic and gruesome wolf, he had a cut on his left eye lid...

The other one was simply grey wolf, seem like a new shifter because it was nervous!

Me * Ashley you take the grey, don't kill but just put him out cold, he a nearly shifted wolf, maybe we can save him*

Ashley: * Are you sure?*

Me * Yes, and be careful if he does hurt you, take him out*

We both head on attack against our opponents, it not long before I felt blood gush from my left limb, he bit me pretty hard, but I caught him by his throat, few second later, he dies!

Jake * why do I feel you in pain! What going on! I am coming*

Me: *I'm fine just bang the wall, don't come everything fine on this end, I love you, now kills those rogues*

Ashley opponent is knocked out cold, we put him in secure jail cell, he never be able to escape, we line the wall with silver. And cuffed him

I hated lieing to Jake but if I told him what Drake warn us, he would've kill him own brother, wolfs are very possessive being.

We go back to the haven where one of the young she-wolf training as pack doctor sorted out my wound, it wasn't too deep luckily.

Jenny P.O.V:

It felt like waking up from deep slumber, the spell finally wore off, I felt ton lighter and my speed increase ten folds, after thanking Caroline, Chad and I return to battlefield

The war is raging on and on, wolfs of all sizes and color were at full force, Hunter pack as well as my own were helping, I knew that our pack will be safe, we had put in measure if anything was to happen.

Me * Austin I am back, where are you*

Austin * Jen! Thank god! I was so worried don't worry about me! It time to put what you learn, I love you! You better live*

Me: *same rule applies to you*

Just after cutting contact a stupid lone wolf with dirty brown far attacked me, I step side so quickly and overthrow him, in my human form!

The spell working! Or atlest I think it is....

All the sudden! The strange mist overhead, somehow I felt it was my calling!

Me: Moon goddess please be with me!

I started closing my eyes and said a quick spell, I didn't even realize what I was doing...

Luckily Chad was still beside me and ward of most of the danger

Next thing we know, lighting and thunder started and Austin wolf start howling!

Austin: * I feel it jen! I feel our power! Together we can do it!


Author note:

Another Jam packed post weren't you agree?

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