Chapter 23:

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My Alpha mate is my enemy too

Chapter 23:

Drake P.O.V:

Arriving at the spot where Jason said he was with Austin, I was shocked at the sight, he was badly beaten up and was a bloody sight, but luckily since as wolf we heal fast he was starting to heal, so we rushed him to the pack doctored Fisher, "my goodness, who could inflict such horrible pain, this is definitely work of a skilled hunter, all this precision and points were specifically done to cause maximum pain without killing it victim,luckily Austin healing thank to his alpha genes, if this was a normal wolf, they wouldn't be able to handle it."Said Dr Fisher

"Thank you doctor would appreciate it if you don't mentioned this to anyone yet, we first want to find out properly from Austin what happened, how long before he regain conscious?" I asked, "give it a day, he need to recuperate okay, so leave him for now" he says, just as he opens the door jenny pushes through, before looking at Austin, she glared at us, "what the prognosis doctor, is he okay?" She asks, "Yes he is healing well miss moonstone, just need a day rest" says Dr Fisher. "I have a bone to pick with you two, but please leave me alone with Austin" she says softly, so me and Jason leave and was bombarded by Nicky, Jake and Ashley.

"His fine, but need a day rest, and yes he was attacked by the rouges, for what reason I don't know, but one thing for sure, we going to kill those good for nothing idiots!"I say angrily, my entire body was shaking with angry, getting ready to shift, "Hey calm down, Austin is fine that all that matter for now, we deal with them when the time is right, getting upset won't solve anything" said Ashley, so we all leave to go back to pack house to explain to alpha Adam.

Jenny P.O.V:

"Ouch! Oh god, what is this pain, why do I feel like I was attacked by millions of punches, I feel strangely dizzy, it Austin, something is majorly wrong" I was thinking, than I saw Drake rushes out and Jake trying to cover something, something must have happened to Austin, I can feel his pain, it horrific, so I excuse myself and rush toward Adam territory check for Austin but didn't find him there, I still felt his pain, but it was more bearable, than I went to pack house and saw that Nicky was expecting Austin but heard nothing, we both wanted to hear something when Jake links Nicky to say Austin is in the infirmary, we rush over and I push past the doctor, after giving the guys my 'I will deal with you guys later' and looked toward Austin, he laid there looking so peaceful, but you could see the horrible bruises that was inflicted, I knew it had to be about me, being my mate got him hurt, I was close to tear but keep it in, I need to find out his okay, "what the prognosis doctor, is he okay?" I asks, "Yes he is healing well miss moonstone, just need a day rest" says Dr Fisher. "I have a bone to pick with you two, but please leave me alone with Austin" I tell them softly, as soon as they leave I shut everyone voices and noises and just stare at Austin, it the first time I noticed he had a cute button nose, he had such full kissable lips, sitting next to him, I whisper to him, he was going to be fine, we going to make it through and that I love him, it was getting late and I need to give his family a chance to check up with him, he still hasn't open his eyes, properly reserving his energy to heal.

I leave and go home and was bear hugged by my dad, I just broke down, "it's my fault...He hospital. If he wasn't my mate..."I say between my tear and hiccups, "shh darling, it was going to happen sooner or later, and Austin is a capable young man, he can handle anything, now calm down and get yourselves freshen up, we has something to discuss" say my dad.

After I quickly shower and change, I enter my dad office and found him with Chad, April, my mom and his beta. "What you wanted to discuss?" I say, I had bad feeling about this, "we have a problem, the rouges used to be a part of stark pack, there was some bad blood between them, but we cannot be sure whether Hunter know it, we need you to find out" he says.

Author note;

Please do comment, let me know what you think, and hope you like this post

P.S Sorry about spelling mistakes

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