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"Connie, I just don't feel like going out tonight. I just want to sit in my room and watch Hulu, please."

I begged my best friend to stop bugging me about going out with her friends I've never met before. She knows how I feel about being around strangers.

"No, Elizabeth. That's what you've been doing ALL week. You're coming out even if I have to drag you by your hair. All we're doing is getting a few drinks and dinner. You act like we're trying to get you to go to a huge college party."

Connie crossed her arms and looked at me.

I knew she'd do what she said, so I gave in.

"Fine, but I'm only staying out for an hour and then coming back home!" I threw my arms down and went into my bedroom to get dressed.

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this." I mumbled underneath my breath.

I put on high waisted shorts that showed my many, many leg tattoos and my Jason and Freddie tank top that also showed of my arm tattoos.

I tied a flannel across my waist just in case it got cold later on.

I put my medium length blonde hair into a pony tail and bobby pinned the rest of the extra hair back.

"Are you not going to put makeup on?" Connie asked, standing outside my bedroom door.

"Nope, only going to be out for an hour. Plus, I look fine without it you asshat." I stuck my tongue out at her and slipped on my vans.

"Ready?" She asked, grabbing the keys from the hook by the door.

I nodded and grabbed my wallet. I followed Connie to her little gray Ford Fusion and got into the passenger seat.

"The boys are already there. And by the way, Maggie is there, so pleeeeeease be nice!" Connie gave me an apologetic smile.

"Maggie? Are you kidding me? You know I don't like her and that it's literally fucking impossible for me to be nice to her."

My blood began to boil at even the sound of her name, but the thought of us hanging out together didn't make it any better.

"She's dating Calum, what could I say? No, your girlfriend can't come because Eli wants to bash her skull in for something that happened in high school four years ago?" She asked.

"That's EXACTLY what you say!" I yelled.

I sighed and looked out the car window. I already knew this was going to be a long hour, but the fact that Maggie is going to be there makes it even worse.

Connie and I walked inside the bar and she led us towards her friends. I could see Maggie's long, curly brunette hair and I grew more annoyed.

"Connie, you're here!" A tall, olive skinned guy smiled at the sight of Connie.

"Calum, this is my best friend Elizabeth. Elizabeth, this is Calum."

Calum put his hand out for a shake, but I ignored it and rolled my eyes.

"Um, this is my girlfriend Maggie." Calum introduced the girl I wasn't fond of.

"I know who she is." I said. "I'm going to get a beer."

I walked away from the group before I could be introduced to anyone else.

"Can I have a miller light, please?" I asked the bartender.

"6.45, please." He said pouring my beer into a glass.

I gave him the money in exchange for my drink. I chugged the whole thing before making my way back to Connie and her friends.

They were talking about some old memories that I couldn't relate to because I don't know these people.

I wanted to go home.

"Elizabeth, this is Luke." She pointed to a boy with blonde hair and neck scruff. He gave a smile before returning his attention back to his phone. "This is Michael." Michael gave me a weak peace sign and I gave him a little smile. "And last, but not least, this is Ashton."

Ashton didn't hesitate to pull me into a hug, which I immediately pulled myself away from.

"Guys, this is Elizabeth but you can call her Eli." Connie pulled the chair that was next to her out so I could sit down.

"You still go by that boys name?" Maggie asked, with a slight laugh.

"Do you still go by Maggie Maggot? Or did you get all the maggots out of your vagina?" I shot back, which caused the whole table to grow quiet and have a few people stare in our direction.

Maggie didn't give me a response, just a death glare as if I'm supposed to be afraid of her.

"That's what I thought." I said.

"You never told me that story, Mags." Calum said, trying to brighten up the mood.

"That's because it never happened." She tried to coverup her tracks.

"Oh really? Because I remember that text message to my brother that explained that you had myiasis, and if I'm not wrong, myiasis is where you get maggots in your genitals." I kept my eyes locked on hers as I exposed her.

"Elizabeth! Stop that's so gross!" Connie shrieked.

Luke, Ashton, and Michael were all giggling discreetly. Calum kept his eyes peeled to the bar table and Maggie's face turned bright red.

"I think we should go." Calum said, grabbing Maggie's purse.

"Agreed." Maggie followed behind her boyfriend as they left the group.

"God, that was fucking beautiful." Michael bursted out in laughter.

"I hate her, I'm so happy that someone finally embarrassed her." Luke laughed and shook his head.

"I think I vomited in my mouth a little." Ashton said.

"I told you to play nice!" Connie elbowed me in my side, as we all laughed.

"Hey, Maggie Maggot came at her first. Eli was just playing fair." Ashton laughed.

"Shots?" Connie immediately changed the subject and we all nodded our heads.

Maybe coming out tonight wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

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