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A/N: this chapter might come across super slow:c I'm sorry! It gets better, I promise ❤️


Connie comes back with a few shots for everyone. Michael has already told me half of his life story as I sat and listened.

"And that's when I met my girlfriend, Crystal. Sadly, she couldn't make it out tonight since she has a photo shoot, but hopefully you'll get to meet her."

"She seems like a really nice girl. I can't wait to meet her." I give Michael a smile.

"So Elizabeth, do you have a boyfriend?" Ashton asked after we all took our shots.

"God, ashton. You can't just assume she's straight!" Luke swatted his arm in laughter.

"He's right, you know." I laughed. "I'm actually bisexual, but no I don't have a boyfriend nor a girlfriend."

"She just broke up with her boyfriend of 6 years." Connie mentioned with no hesitation.

"Connie!" I yelled.

"What? It's been 5 months, Eli. It's okay to mention it."

I rolled my eyes and felt my cheeks heat up a bit. I hated talking about Nathan. I hated when anyone brought him up. I wish I never met him.

"Luke broke up with his fiancé like last week, so no need to be embarrassed." Michael commented.

"FIANCÉ!?" Connie screamed, causing other tables to jump and look at us.

"You never told me that you purposed to Haley!" She added.

"Well, she purposed to me actually, but I don't want to talk about so let's change the subject."

"I actually have to head out, I have to visit my dad tomorrow. I don't think he'd be too happy with me if I showed up hungover either. I'll see you at home, Con. It was nice meeting you guys!" I grabbed my wallet and walked out of the bar.

The walk home was longer than usual, and I had Connie constantly texting me asking if I was okay.

I don't know where I'd be without Connie.

Probably homeless and dead.

I opened my front door and set my keys and wallet down on the table. I slipped my shoes off, placing them inside the closet.

I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on. I removed my clothes that now smelled like alcohol and cigarette smoke off and into the hamper. I stepped into the warm shower immediately feeling ease as the water rained down on my tan skin.

My hair stuck to my neck and to my face. I shampooed and conditioned my hair along with washing my body. I was going to shave my legs, but honestly, who do I have to impress? No one.

I stepped out of the shower, wrapping myself in my towel. I could hear Connie moving around in the living room. I opened the bathroom door, greeted with smiles from the boys along with Connie.

"Oh my god, Connie!" I immediately went back into the bathroom, covering myself with the door.

"Eli, you act like the boys haven't ever seen another body. Just go into your room and get changed, then come back out here."

I groaned, and quickly walked to my bedroom without making eye contact with anyone. I dried myself off and put my pajamas on. I took out my contacts and placed my glasses on my face.

"Decent?" Connie asked through the door.

"Not like it matters." I said, making sure she knew I was irritated with her.

"I know I should've told you! But we're all drunk so I told them that they could crash in the living room. Stop being mad at me!" Connie wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me.

It's hard to stay mad at your best friend.

"Fine, but next time give a girl a warning you ass."

Connie and I walked back out into the living room and the boys had already made themselves at home.

Eating my snacks and touching everything.

"Truth or dare, anyone?" Luke smiled this devilish smile.

Oh no, not this game.

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