Hang out- Grayson

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*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*
I groaned as my alarm clock rang out loud telling me to wake up. I rolled around throwing my hand around trying to find my phone in my dark room. I finally dropped my hand down onto my phone and lifted it up to my face. I turned off my alarm to see my phone brightness all the way up shining in my eyes.

"Fuck my life." I said closing my eyes shut from the blinding light.

I looked up to see my roof and a crack of light shining through my curtain. And decided I should start my day. I checked all of my social medias starting off with instagram. I liked a couple pictures and went off to twitter. On Twitter I retweeted a lot of stuff and said good morning to all my followers. I looked on my friends accounts and saw one by Grayson.

"Excited for this morning." He said

All the replies wondered why and to be honest i did too. I closed he app and went to Snapchat to see what was going on. Gray had sent me our on going streaks. I sent him one back. When I sent it about 5 minutes later I got a text from him.

Gray👀: Ready for today.

Me: Yea sure, when are you picking me up again.

Gray👀:  in like an hour

Me: Ok

I had my eyes wide open realizing that I had to get ready in an less than an hour now. I threw my cover over me and climbed out of bed.

"How could I forget I'm hanging out with him." I yelled at myself.

I ran to my bathroom and turned on the shower. I quickly put my hair in a bun and jumped in starting my music. I sang along to my music as it blasted echoing.


Suddenly my phone made a ding which was Grayson texting me.

"I'll be here in 15 minutes." I saw my phone with the text.

"Shit" I said turning off the shower jumping out.

I ran back to my room and threw out my clothing. I got a black long sleeve shirt with dark denim jeans and my air forces. I styled my hair putting some water to make it not to curly but curly. I put in my earrings and put on lip gloss. Right as I went downstairs to grab my granola bar my doorbell rang. Or at least I thought it did. I looked at my phone to see a spam of texts.

Gray👀: Hey I'm so sorry I can't make it

Gray👀: Something just came up can we push it to tomorrow

Gray👀: Y/N are you mad

Me: So your telling me, I woke up early

Me: Rushed to take a shower and cut my music short

Me: And fuckin rushed my outfit and hair to get ready for somewhere I'm not even going.

Gray👀: Yea I'm really sorry about it

Gray👀: Y/N

Gray👀: Y/N

~read 8:02 a.m.~

Hey guys, here's another chapter. Lol I did this while watching Grey's Anatomy so I had to re-do it like 3 times. But anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and if there are still any errors I'm sorry. But as always PEACE ✌🏾

Dolan Twins ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now