Moaner- Ethan

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Ethan POV

I was laying on the couch with Y/N. We were watching Grey's Anatomy and got to the part where Shepherd's wife came.

"Oh shit, he married." I said expecting a reaction but it was silent.

She sat in my arms and the room filled with silence. Her eyes were fluttering from my hand waving in front of her face. Her chest was slowly rising and falling and her hands were hugging me. She fell asleep. I sighed not wanting to move but got up anyway. I carried her into our shared room placing her softly on the bed. She woke up a little and I thought i had placed her too hard but it was a thank you.

"Thank you E." She said sleepily

I got bored quickly without her so I went to sleep too. I was dreaming when I heard my name in my dream. It became more frequent and louder until I finally cracked my eyes open to see what was happening. I looked to see it was dark in the room and Y/N was shivering so I got the cover and placed it over the both of us. The warmth of the blanket covered me then I felt and embrace wrap around me. I looked to the side to see Y/N had moved closer. I smiled and shook my head going back to sleep.

Again in my dream I heard the name calling me

"Ethan, Ethan, Ethan." becoming more and more frequent.

I opened my eyes to see Y/N was still sleeping. I decided I was going to stay awake to find out what the sound was.

I stayed there for 15 minutes waiting for it to happen. I occasionally checked my phone to see how long it had been. 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 11 minutes. I was about to give up and go to sleep when I heard it again.

"Ethan." I quickly turned but it was too dark to see anything.

The voice was very familiar and soon I realized it was Y/N saying it. Was she playing around. Or is she ok. I shook her to see if she was awake but she was still dead asleep. As I was shaking her again a soft moan escaped her lips. I paused there for a second confused as hell as what it was. She turned back over to me then moaned my name again.

"Ethan." She said biting her lip

It finally clicked in my head what was going on. She was having some erotic dream of me. Another moan escaped her lips as she bit her lip. I smirked wanting to make this fun. I softly kissed her neck so she wouldn't wake up and it worked.

"Ugh, Ethan." She whispered screamed. I smirked pleased with myself and went back to sleep.

When I woke up she was out of bed and I smelt pancakes. I remembered what happened las night and got excited to tell Y/N.

"Morning." I said kissing her cheek

"Morning babe." she said handing me my plate

She sat down beside me as we ate watching tv. When I finished my pancakes I looked over at hers. She still had like 2 left so I took some from her. She rolled her eyes letting me take it.

"You are so annoying." She said pausing the show.

I smirked knowing my comeback

"Not what you were saying last night." She looked at me with piercing eyes

"We didn't do anything last night." She said

"Well you were doing something with me in your dreams." I said eating the pancake

"What are you talking about?" She said crossing her leg turning to me.

"Ohh Ethan. Ethan, Ugh, ETHAN, does any of that sound familiar." I said smirking

She sat there with her mouth open blushing hard.

"How did you-" I cut her off

"You moan really loud in your sleep." I said

There was a few minutes of silence. She was embarrassed and I was smiling with victory. She kept fidgeting with her fingers so I finally asked her a question.

"What was it about?" I said

"What was what about?" She looked back at me

"The dream silly." I said nudging her.

She stayed silent for another minute and finally spoke or mumbled.

"Shower se...." She mumbled quietly and lost her words

"What was that?" I said looking interested

"I said shower sex." She said clearly

"I'm sorry I can't hear you." I said again pulling my ear out


I chuckled as she was red and annoyed with me. She finally cooled down a bit so I could talk to her again.

"Was it good?"  I said

"I mea the moans signaled it was good but I want to know from you." I said

She looked at me again and didn't even try to cover it up.

"It was great Ethan." She said

"Wish it was like that in real life." She said smiling

"That, was a low blow." I told her like a mother

"I love you though." She said looking up at me

"I love you too." I said kissing her. She got up and straddled me playing with my hair. She was tugging at my shirt so I took it off. She separated about to take off her top but I put my finger over her mouth.

"How bout we make your dream a reality." I said smirking

"You mean shower-" I cut her off

"Yes I mean shower sex." I said kissing her neck

She smiled at me and nodded her head as I carried her upstairs to the shower. Dropping our clothing on the staircase.
I'm lowkey so happy right now. All my grades are coming up so I'm not gonna get no lectures from nobody. Anyways I made this and it was supposed to be kinda short but I guess not lol. Anyways sorry for any errors, I hope you enjoyed and as always PEACE ✌🏾

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