Nudes- Ethan

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"Omg this boy is finneee." I said as he sent me a text being cute as hell. I had been texting him like crazy since we got each other's number. His name was Nathan and he was my weaknesses... a mixed kid with a jawline. Plus in the time you knew him and started texting him he was the nicest person ever. I got another text from him and smiled wondering what it was.

Nathan😍: ok, let's play a game now

Me: Ok what is it

Nathan😍: if I can guess what number your thinking of 1-7 you gotta do whatever I say.

Me: Ohh, is it about to get scandalous in here 👅💦

Nathan😍: yes it is princess, yes. it. is.

Nathan😍: let's play.

I closed my phone thinking about a number. He didn't know me that well so he didn't know my favorite number was 5. So I'm going with it.

Me: ok I got my number

Me: now guess

Nathan😍: ok my guess is number...

Nathan😍: it's number 5

My heart dropped. How in the hell did he know it. Only a couple people know that and he just guessed.

Me: How'd you know??

Nathan😍: Don't know you just seem like you like odd numbers so I had an okay chance.

Damn, he had control cause I'm not a bitch when it comes to dares.

Nathan😍: okay bbygirl all you gotta do is send me a pic of that sexy body of yours.

Me: You want me to take a nude picture

Nathan😍: if you aren't chicken

Me: oh I'm not.

I got up posing for for the nude. I've done this before and I did like this dude so it wasn't much. I took off my shirt and put on a black lace thong and put my hair down to cover my back. I sat on my counter in the bathroom and flipped the camera so it reflected in the mirror.

I took a picture and went into another pose. I cupped my boob and took another picture. For the last pose I stood up fully naked in the mirror with my hair out of the way and took it. Right then I got a text from Ethan.

Ethan😂: hey have you heard this Yanny Laurel thing.

Ethan😂: Like how in the actual fuck can Grayson hear Yanny it's Laurel

I sighed putting on my shirt going to reply his texts.

Me: how tf do you hear Laurel it's definitely Yanny

Ethan😂: you must be crazier than Grayson

Me: lol I'll brb I gotta do something

I got the pictures all in a group ready to send them. I called out to my Siri.

"Hey Siri send this to the most recent person I've texted." I said

"Ok." She said to me.

I sat down putting my clothes all in again covering myself up in the sheets. I was about to relax when my phone started blowing up. But it wasn't from Nathan. I got a whole bunch on texts from Ethan.




Ethan😂: WHY ARE YOU EVEN SENDING NUDES. Who are you sending this to. What is your problem. DO YOU KNOW WHAT COULD HAPPEN IF YOU DID.

I sat in horror realizing two thing. My best friend has my nudes, and he's gonna lecture me on it. My phone rang about 30 more times but I ignored it knowing it was him bitching over this. I looked at my phone on more time to see the most recent text.

Ethan😂: Well if you don't wanna answer, I'm coming over right now.

I closed my phone groaning knowing I was never gonna hear the end of this.
Hey guys how ya doin. Do you want a part 2. I'm over here writing stories and for once I'm not tired lol. I don't really know what to type being honest right now but if you have requests you can leave it in the comments. Also thx for 300 reads I'm happy and I hope we can get it to 1k reads right now. I think I might ask a question tho even though this trend is ded already "Did you hear Yanny or Laurel?" Cuz I honestly hear both. But anyways Ima stop rambling on. Sorry for any errors, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed and as always PEACE ✌🏾

Dolan Twins ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now