Silent Treatment- Ethan

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Ethan and I got into a fight the other day. We both said things but he went over then line.


"Why are you upset over nothing." I calmly said

"Nothing, nothing, Y/N he fucking made out with you in public." He screamed

"First off, he kissed me on the cheek and that's it. Second off I would never kiss anyone." I was now screaming

"Oh my God, sometimes your just a plain ass bitch." He said under his breath but I heard him.

"What did you just say, what did you just call me." I said walking up and pushing him

"Babe, I didn't mean it." He started but I interrupted

"It was a kiss and you have the audacity to call me a bitch when your over here freaking out." He had called me a bitch before but always when we were joking never seriously like that. It felt like a punch. I walked our House.

"Where are you going." He told me

"Out." Was the last thing I said before slamming the door. I knew I had to come home

*end of flashback*

I was back home finally but that didn't mean I was talking to him. He walked into the room and I rolled my eyes. I really could not stand his presence. I rolled off the bed. He saw what I was doing and tried to stop me. "Babe are you still mad." He asked me like he didn't know. I had been ignoring him since and it wasn't hard to ignore him now. I rolled my eyes and walked down the stairs to continue my show.

Minutes later I felt him behind me. "Ugh." I groaned and got up trying to walk away. He grabbed my hand as I shook it off but he grabbed me at once and pulled me back to me. I wasn't going to talk to him no matter what.

Ethan POV

"Y/N are you going to speak now." I asked. I now what happened was wrong but she had been doing this for days now. I took her back to the couch. "Still not talkin huh." I looked in her eyes. They were blank. Damn, she really was mad. Usually she has a softness or some type of emotion filling them but I couldn't even tell now. "Babe, c'mon you can't be mad." She looked me dead in the eyes and was about to talk. I was hoping for it to be a good answer and she hugged me and this was all done. It wasn't. She said 4 words that broke the silence, "can I go now." She sat folding her arms and turned off the tv. She didn't wait for my response as she started to get up but an idea poppeda into my head.
Another one is coming soon. Don't worry I'll do Grayson ones too. This will be a part story and Part 2 is coming out soon. Hope you guys enjoyed and as always PEACE ✌🏾

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