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Emily could not believe she was actually doing it. The walk to Ash's room seemed like it took forever and she contemplated turning around but she couldn't afford to be fired. Mr. Hurdley had mentioned her going to college; she would love to go to college so that she could at least make something meaningful of herself. That was one more reason she couldn't afford to lose this job. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

He opened the door with a phone held up to his ear. "Yeah, I know." He looked her over, made eye contact, and turned around. She stood at the door and waited for him to say something and he beckoned her to come in while still on the phone, sitting himself on the edge of the bed. She hesitated before walking into the bedroom and shutting the door. "I have to call you back." He said to the person on his phone, while she looked around his room. The walls were a deep green with the bed sitting in the middle, two nightstands on each side. She heard him laugh, "Yeah, yeah, whatever." She blocked out his one-sided conversation, looking at the TV, mounted on the wall and the oversized chair sitting in front of it. Moving her eyes onto more of the room, there were two black and white paintings on the wall, just plain paintings, nothing emotional at all. He probably doesn't know what emotions are, the stonehearted douche. She looked back at him when she didn't hear him anymore and saw that he was no longer on the phone; his attention solely on her. She gulped and wiped her palms on her shorts.

"I am here."

"Like I knew you would be." She rolled her eyes at his arrogant smirk.

"Whatever, it's not like you gave me any choice."

He shrugged, "You could have chosen to look for another job." She couldn't help but wonder if working for his parents bothered him and if that's the reason that he was being such an asshole, for lack of a better word to describe him.

"Is that what you want, for me to stop working here?" She needed to know.

He scoffed, answering her question, "All I want is to fuck you, nothing less and absolutely nothing more."

"So you decided that blackmailing me would help you achieve that?"

He shrugged again, "You left me no other choice. I asked you nicely but you still said no, so..." He let his words trail off.

"You would stoop so low as to blackmail me to accomplish that? Wow." She shook her head at him. She couldn't believe that as gorgeous as he was, he would need to do that, he could probably get any girl he wanted. What was he trying to prove? She wondered. He stood up from the bed and took his shirt off, leaving him only in a pair of basketball shorts.

"I would have done anything to get you beneath me. You just made it easy by being a kleptomaniac."

Emily hissed, "You know damn well that I DID NOT steal your mother's jewelry and that I WOULDN'T have."

He chuckled "Whatever helps you sleep at night." Emily felt like slapping the chuckles out of his mouth, the idiot. He looked her over again "So..." Emily felt a blush creeping up her neck because of the hunger that she saw in his eyes.

"So, what?" She managed to ask.

"Take your clothes off." He said in a flat voice.

"What?" She shrieked, not quite believe that he would be so blunt, but knowing that she shouldn't be surprised.

"I mean, I like the ensemble, but I need you naked so..." He gestured with his finger at her outfit. She was wearing her work outfit. It consisted of beige shorts, a white tee shirt, and a pair of white converse shoes with white socks. She let out a breath and wiped her palms on her shorts.

UNJUSTIFIED HATRED {completed} (wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now