Chapter 32- DNA

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Ash ignored his ringing phone thinking it was Emily again; she had called twice and both time he had ignored her. He was curious as to why she was calling him since it was unusual for her to do so. He could count how many times she had call with one hand and he had always ignored her, this time wasn’t an exception. Whatever she had to say could wait until he got home.

He cursed when his phone started ringing again. He couldn’t say he was surprised at her persistence; Emily had always been too stubborn for her own good. He picked up his phone to hit the ignore button but paused when he saw the caller ID.

It wasn’t her.

 "Hey dad"

"Where are you?" his dad asked harshly.

Well, hello to you too. "I'm at work dad. It’s Friday isn’t it?" he asked sarcastically.

"Don't be fucking smart"


Ash reeled back from the sharp tone of his father's words. What's gotten up his ass today?

It was very seldom his father used words like that. Ash knew for certain that his dad only used curse words when he was super pissed. He racked his brain trying to figure out what he could have possibly done to piss him off.

He wasn't late to work even though he had a late night. He had also turn in the all the required documents for the new deal, so what the hell?

"Dad what’s going on?" he asked when he couldn’t think of anything.

 "I ought to come over there and smack you for that question" was his dad’s answer.  

Ash frowned. What was wrong with the question? It seemed like whatever he said pissed the old man off.

Treading lightly he asked "Dad can you..."

"Did you not know Emily is in the hospital?" the dad asked cutting him off mid-sentence.

 Ash rolled his eyes. Of course it was about Emily; everything was about Emily these days. At work when his dad and he were not discussing accounts, it was about Emily, how the baby was doing, blah blah blah. Each time Ash would give a simple ‘she is fine’ and left it at that.

 "ASH!" he jumped a little when the voice yelled in this ears.

"Did you not know your wife is in the hospital?" he heard his father repeat impatiently.

Yea so? He asked silently. Emily was an attention wh*re and probably seeking attention. There was nothing wrong with her when she was laying on the couch reading with a big bowl of popcorn last night.

"Dad, I'm in the office. I will go see her when I get off" he told the man what he wanted to hear since he had no intentions of visiting her in the hospital.

"No. Go see her right now" his dad ordered  

Ash groaned. He didn’t want to see her, not yet anyway.

"Dad. I have so much to get to. There are files here I need to sort out". Everything shouldn’t revolve around her, he wanted to add but kept his mouth shut. He did have files he needed to sort out so he wasn’t entirely lying even though those files could wait.

"Asher, your wife just gave birth to your child and you haven’t been to see either one of them" It wasn’t a question

‘'Shit' Ash tighten his hold on his phone at the news. He was genuinely surprised since he had no idea she had the baby already. He had believed she had gone to drastic measure like going to the hospital just to get his attention. The last time he saw her, which was last night, she was fine reading some stupid novel so when did she have the baby?

UNJUSTIFIED HATRED {completed} (wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now