CHAPTER 22- breath of fresh air.

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Ash looked over the information on his laptop carefully; he didn't want to miss any crucial details. He was returning to work tomorrow and his 'vacation' left him with a mountain of paper work. He loved to work so he wasn't complaining, well much anyway. His fingers on the keyboard stilled when he heard the doorbell.

Who was it? He wondered. He wasn't expecting anyone so he was surprise, unless his dad chose to show up unannounced. He didn't bother to get up to get the door, he had a maid, well two if you included Emily; she was more of a maid than his wife anyway.

He heard footsteps but couldn't make out who they belonged to since he had left Emily and Gladys in the kitchen where both of them were chit chatting about recipes. He was glad he called Gladys to return earlier than planned, because not only did it work out for him, it worked for Emily as well. Now she had someone to bother.

He heard voices coming from the living area; whoever it was must have been allowed in.

"He is his office". He heard Gladys say to the visitor.

"Thanks glad." The person returned.

Ash smiled at the voice. About time.  He saved his work then shut his computer down before walking out of his office.

"There he is. Mr. Married with kids" Josh commented as soon as Ash came into view. Ash laughed ignoring the ridiculous comment, his change of status hadn’t affected him or his lifestyle, if anything he partied more now. He was married for show and that was that.

He was so pleased to see his friends to give Josh's words a second thought. He gave Josh a man hug before turning to Michael and doing the same. He hadn't seen any of his friends since his wedding day and was desperate for their companies. He had asked them to come over or meet up but they all refused; each saying he needed to spend time with his new wife. Ash had cursed them out especially since he knew they were mocking him.

"So now you guys decided to visit?" He directed at both Josh and Michael. Michael chuckled but didn't say anything. Ash also noticed how his eyes roam around the room, probably looking for Emily. He smiled at his love-struck idiot of a friend. What he actually saw in her baffled him; Emily was as plain as any other girl in the city but his heart seem to want what it wants.

“What’s up man?” Michael questioned, his eyes everywhere but Ash’s face.

Before Ash could respond, Josh bit him to it.

“Dude we wanted you to have some privacy. We didn't want to interrupt all that sex both of you are having" Josh commented wiggling his brows at Ash. He shook his head at his idiot of a friend then turned to Mic, who had suddenly lost the smile on his face.

Ash's bet would be because of the mention of sex and Emily. He watched Mic sit on the Stool then tapped his finger on the counter. He wanted to reassure his friend that nothing happened or would ever happen with Emily as he watched the change in Mic demeanor. He walked over to his friend and just as he was about to say something, he heard movement from the stairs.

He turned to find Emily walk down the stairs with a huge smile on her face; she looked like a kid in candy store. He continued to watch her as she descended the stairs biting her lips and eyes set only on Michael.

Michael turned his head as well and Ash watched his face break out into huge grin. He mentally shook his head, what a wuss. He waited for the jealousy to hit him, but nothing happened. The only thing he felt at that moment was glee.

Ash pat himself on the back; he knew he had made the best decision telling Michael he could have her, she was clearly infatuated with him. He breathed a sigh of relief; his freedom was around the corner.

UNJUSTIFIED HATRED {completed} (wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now