Punch-Drunk Love

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Hii!! So this is my first book and this chapter was edited from the previous. I was quite sleepy typing it at first, so yeah. But fear not i'm going to start to update every friday! And cut me a little slack I dont know what to type now soooooo .... Read on!!!! ---->



I woke up the next day with Paris & Perry screeching in my ear,"Best-friend!!"

Not the best way to wake up, especially with a throbbing headache emerging.

I opened my eyes and took note that I was not in the van but outside on - grass? And snuggled deep in between Paris and Perry. "Wha-?"

"You passed out after a couple of games of spin the bottle."

"You grabbed Paris down with you" Perry chuckled.

"Then where did you come from?", I questioned.

"I decided to make myself comfortable.", Perry winked.

"Alright, you need to back your ass up from my wikey!", Paris exclaimed.

"Your cheating on me!?"Perry asked incrediously.

Paris grabbed me by my waisted a hauled me to the other side of him, making me only see his back.

"Never bae!", Paris answered back.

"Twins", I thought.

I helped myself up and looked around.

Perry and Paris were still cuddling in the grass clearing behind me and I could see the bright red van from through the trees to my left, On the road - i'm guessing? I decided that I should go over there and do my morning regimen - brush my teeth wash up and all that good shit. As i'm dodging these suspicious looking ass leaves and branches, I see this furry thing on the floor. Yes me being the stupid white girl I stop and inspect it for a little. So the problem with that was being:

1) the fur thing was in fact a rabbit

2) not just any rabbit but a helpless looking rabbit. With twigs weaved in its fur and big adorable eyes. The works.

3)when i started to coo at it the fucking rabbit started to hop away, looking back every so many hops to see if I was still there.

"You want me too follow?"

It turned back around and hoped to me and replied by twitching it's nose.

"You got it, Easter!" Yes I named it Easter. It seems like a appropriate name right?

So i'm walking aimlessly follow this rabbit around until suddenly I think to myself, What the fuck am i doing? Like I don't even like animals they're fucking weird. As I think this I notice the rabbit stopped hopping.

I look and stare incredulously at the few. I even smack myself a few times to see if i'm seeing right.

There in fucking in front of me and I repeat - in fucking in front of me was what looked like a fucking village of fucking rabbits. Compared to the rabbit I found these rabbits looked especially cute and cuddly but still dirty.

"Awwwwww!", I squealed in spite of myself.

The rabbit in the front, (i'm guessing the leader?) hopped up to me and started to sniff me j's.

"Oh hell no - not the j's", I said and gently scooted the rabbit away from my sneakers.

The rabbit I nudged started to make these weird ass noises in it's throat and when I looked up I see that there was like 50 around me and the were advances toward me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2014 ⏰

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