the party

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clear:happy 14 birthday yous two

blossom and bubbles :thanks

clear:you sure your sister wont freak out you know they are comeing

buttercup: (walks up to them)who is comeing

blossom: buttercup no one just friends now come one its our birthday 

bubbles: yea buttercup its our-

bc(buttercup) STOP its BC

blossom and bubbles: ok buttercup(all walk to the table full of presents and rrbz enter)

rrbz: hey girls

bc: what are you doing here 

brick: we were invited hot head(other boys snicker)

bc: ok pighead by whom in gods na-

blossom and bubbles: we did bc

bc: why!?why did you do this they are not friends

brick and boomer:exactly we are their boyfriends and butch is a guest

bc: WHAT YOU ARE DATEING THEM they are the enimy THE ENIMY we hate them how could you betray your family both of you (storms of)  

bubbles: buttercup wait

blossom and clear:she will get over it

rrbz: lets go girls (walks to the dance floor)

clear: gotta go mark wants me talk later (walks of)

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                      first chapter done 

                                                                          emma is meout 

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