BC;now who could that be (opens door) oh hello have you got my lava pool
MAIL MAN; yes and are you sure your a villein miss nightshade you seam awfully nice
BC; defiantly a villein now could you put it over thair
MAIL MAN certainly.......you know what your the nicest villein i have ever met(leaves)
BUTCH; see butterfly your not evil enough to be a villein
BC;SILENCE now you have 2 muinets and 13 second remaining
RRBZ;and your still going to kill us
BC;yes( ticking noise)what is that mysterious ticking noise(tick tick boom)
BLOSSOM; buttercup this is not you your not nightshade and your not evil
BC;yes i am i was born to be evil
COUNTDOWN; 2 minutes remaining
BUBBLES; to what?
RRBZ; our death so can you get us out
stay purfect
em meouwt
rise of nightshade(butchercup)
Fanfictionthis is a story i made a few years ago so it may be awful but this is a buttercup x butch story enjoy and please comment and just to be clear this is not a lemon