Just Another Day

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"Hmph. I can't seem to find those poppy seeds anywhere... I'm also running low on yarrow. I might as well restock while we're not busy." Teva mumbled to herself. She gazed around at her quiet, somewhat sleepy pack, before sneaking quietly away.

Kiyiya slowly opens her eyes and looks warily around at the pack. "I wonder if anyone will notice when I leave...?" She whispers as she cautiously stands up and begins to head off into the forest.

Teva moved through the brush carefully looking for the herbs. "Ah, found some!" She mumbled with fresh yarrow in her mouth. She carefully set it beside her before ducking down to pick some more.

Kiyiya moves swiftly in the shadows of the surrounding forest. "I hope they're still there..." She whispers with hope and desperation in her voice.

Teva quickly raises her head to look at the surrounding forest. "Hm? I thought I heard something.." She thought to herself before gazing around a bit more. She cautiously returned to her previous searching. "Probably nothing..."

A twig snaps under Kiyiya's paw. She gasps then whispers, "Crap!!" She looks around cautiously, ready to run at any sign of movement.

Hearing the snap of a nearby twig, Teva froze and silently peeked around her. Her muscles tensed.

Kiyiya began to move more swiftly than before. "I hope no one heard that...", she whispers to herself in a cautious, and hushed voice.

Teva heard movement and began silently following it, after burying the herbs to come back to later. The scent was familiar, one of her pack. But who?

Kiyiya kept moving towards the river. "Please let him be there...." Her eyes are filled with hope.

Teva followed silently, keeping a certain distance from the wolf she was following. "Please, don't let it be anything bad, we don't need anything worse for our tribe!"

Kiyiya reaches the river. "Finally..." She sniffs the air. "Ah! He's still here!" She says in excitement. "I hope he will recognize me..." She says with a smile. Her tail is raised high, as she trots happily along the bank towards a group of male wolves.

Teva stopped short of the wolf she was following, watching her approach the group of males. "Is that... Kiyiya?!" She speaks to herself, a little too loudly.

Kiyiya spins around, obviously startled by finding that she was followed. "Oh! T-Teva! I... I thought I wasn't being followed..." Her tail curls down between her legs as she looks at the ground, a little embarrassed.

"I was just out picking herbs and thought you were an intruder, or something... If you don't mind my asking, why are you out here? Do any of the others know you're gone?" Teva asked, somewhat confused.

"N-no.... I... I came out here to visit a, um, friend...?" She looks up at Teva, a little uneasy.

"A friend, hm?" Teva grins. She knows her better than that. "Well I'll leave you and your 'friend' with some alone time. I'll be at the pack if you need me."

"Y-you won't tell anyone...?" Kiyiya looks at Teva with pleading eyes.

"It'll be our little secret. No one else will know unless you tell them yourself, okay?" Teva says to the nervous, jet black, female.

"Thank you...." She looks at Teva gratefully and begins to relax a little.

A brown and silver wolf calls out from the group of males. "Hey! Kiyiya!"


Author's Note:

OMG!!! First chapter!!! Left y'all with a cliffhanger!! Don't hate!

Alright! Hi my ninja wolves!!! I hope y'all like it! I'm writing this with my best friend. She is the best ever!! Love her to pieces!!

Anyway, I am terrible at on site typing so I'll make my notes quick!! I will update every Monday. Please no negative comments. And yes there will be cussing. Luv y'all!!!

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