"Mistress Rose! You've returned!" Luna bows to her superior.
Teva, still glancing at Luna, bowed to her alpha. "Good morning Alpha Rose. May I speak to you? In private?"
"Of course dear. But, I need to speak with you and Kiyiya immediately, this news is urgent." She nods to the wolves at her sides. They bow in return before leaving her. "Come, let's take a walk..." She calmly begins to walk through the forest.
"W-we better hurry..." Kiyiya stammers.
Teva slips Kiyiya an anxious look. Alpha Rose couldn't possibly know about the pups, could she? She turned back to her alpha and nodded before following.
"We've been scouting the other pack, do either of you know anything about them? And, don't worry, you're not in trouble." Rose chuckles. "I just thought one of you might have some info, considering your skills in the field when you're alone."
"That's just what I wanted to talk to you about. I've seen the other pack and happen to know one of its members very well." Teva began, not leaving any hints that Kiyiya was involved. "One of my close friends from that pack wants to join ours with a few of their warriors if that is alright with you. Only upon your approval though. Their pack was only passing through and will be gone by the weeks end."
"I have a feeling that you're not the one with connections, Teva..." Rose gives Kiyiya a gentle smile. "So, when were you gonna tell us, darling?"
Teva perks her ears and stops where she is. "You knew about this?" She asks, shocked by her alphas abilities. "Is the other pack still seen as a threat, then?" Remind me to never underestimate her, Teva thought to herself.
"B-but, how....?" Kiyiya stutters.
Rose laughs. "It's not that hard to tell. I can smell it, can't you, Teva?"
"Rose, I'm a healer, not a tracker, haha. I only knew because she told me. I shouldn't question your abilities though, you've surprised me more than once!" Teva replied lightly.
"But, with you being the healer, shouldn't you be able to notice these things, dear?" Rose questioned.
"I guess I had my nose in the flowers too long. Besides, I'm always getting more herbs, or arranging what I already have, I'm not around the messenger that often." She hasn't been pregnant that long, has she? Teva wondered.
"You have to look for the little signs. Speaking of signs, I think your mate and a few of his friends are watching us." Rose says cautiously.
"B-Blaez......?" Kiyiya whispers.

Wolf Tribes
FantasyA pack of female wolves encounter a larger, more developed pack within their territory. Within the conflicts, there is romance. Within the romance, there is a dark secret. Will the alpha stand up and face her past, or will she drag her pack down wit...