The Violent Dispute

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"Hey! I found her!" Tala shouts.

"Where?!" Ari shouts in response.

"Is she with that male!?" Rika asks in excitement.

Gunnolf appears, looking at the couple. "Well i’ll be darned. Boys, I found him!"

Toralu appears. "You did?! Along with a female..... When did this happen!?!?!?"

Gunnolf chuckles in response. "Ever since the two packs held the peace meeting. Yesterday evening, I think. It was more than peace, I can tell you that!"

“Did you find him?!” A male wolf shouts from the background.

"Yea, we found him. And his chick, too." Gunnolf responds.

"Hey! Don't talk about our healer like that!!" Ari shouts defensively.

"Seriously! She's the only one we have!" Rika says.

"And the best around." Tala adds.

Gunnolf smirks at the defensive girls. "I guess you came looking for her as we did him. Any of you know of this?"

"I know that's my sister!!" Tala gets in Gunnolf's face, obviously offended by his earlier comment.

"I suggest you get out of my face before you lose yours." Gunnolf growls.

Ari steps in between them. "You dare lay a paw on her, and you'll be answering to me." She snarls at the male while giving him a death glare with an intensity never before seen by the opposing pack members.

Gunnolf really didn't want to fight with this gorgeous female but, he had to stand his ground. "Now get your little healer and get off our land!" He snapped. "NOW."

"YOUR LAND?!?!?!" Ari explodes at the male. He sees a flame burn in her eyes, with an intensity he’s never experienced before.

Gunnolf’s eyes widened in surprise before adjusting back to his angry look. Damn, did I really just say that? Idiot!

"NOW, LISTEN HERE, ASSHOLE!!! IF YOU DON’T WANNA LOSE YOUR THROAT, I SUGGEST YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF MY SISTERS, AND OUR LAND!!!!" Ari’s eyes begin to turn red with rage, as the fur along her spine stands on end.

"Oh, you want to test me, do ya? You can't rip mine out if I snap yours first." Gunnolf challenges.

"YOU ASKED FOR IT, FUCKER!!" Ari grabs him by the throat and flings him backwards into a tree. "YOU SURE YOU WANNA PISS ME OFF SOME MORE, BITCH!!!!!?" She looked as if she had gone insane, rage coursed through her veins. Her small frame radiating pure strength and power, nearly equal to a mother bear. “I TOLD YOU TO BACK THE FUCK OFF, DIDN’T I !!!!? NOW YOU GET TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU PISS OFF THE WARRIOR OF THE STRONGEST PACK IN THE REGION, MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!” She yells at him in a fit of pure rage.

Oh shit... Gunnolf thought. Not this again. "YOURE ABOUT TO PAY FOR THAT YOU LITTLE B-" He was interrupted.

"WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!?!" Convel stares angrily at Gunnolf.

Teva shivers and hides her face in Convels fur. "Stop the fighting... Please, they're scaring me!"

Convel blushes slightly at her action. He clears his throat. "Will you girls please tell me what's going on? This is your territory."

"We came looking for Teva, and Gunnolf and Ari started fighting.." Rika explained. "Its getting violent!"

"All I have to say is put a fucking leash on your goddamn dog. The bitch needs to learn who's land he's on." Ari snarls at Gunnolf.

"I'll do that...." Convel glares at him.

Shit, I really fucked up this time... Gunnolf glanced around at the angry wolves.

Teva giggles at Ari's remark. "Wait, you guys came looking for me? I better go back then..."

"Sir! Is that you?" A golden wolf appears.

"Greetings Maccon!" Convel says to his beta.

Teva smiled as the beta appeared. "Greetings Maccon." She at least wanted to say hi to Convel’s beta, knowing she'd probably run into the pack again.

Maccon smiles. "And who is this lovely female at your side, sir?"

Teva smiled at the comment. This pack is really...friendly...?

"I apologize if I startled you miss." The beta says as he bows to Teva.

Convel smiles down at her. "We don't have that many females in our pack, let alone, any as beautiful as you, Teva."

Teva blushes at his sweet words. "Aww, Convel!"

A pink female appears alongside a grey male and Blaez. She seemed enraged by the recent fight and glares angrily at Gunnolf. "Gunnolf! What have I told you about fighting with a female!" She scolds him as if he were a pup.

Teva chuckles at this remark. Well, someone's in trouble!

Gunnolf ducks his head before responding with "Yes, mother..."

Blaez remarks "Dude, I told you that aggressive girls in smaller packs can overtake three males at once. Didn't you learn that last time?"

Gunnolf growled quietly. "Sh-Shut up, Blaez!"

Ari, Rika, and Tala all giggle at the display.

"Anyone else we should meet?" Teva smiles. They weren't kidding, the pack is huge!

"Yes, I'm Mingan, Blaez, Maccon, and Gunnolf are my sons. And this is my mate, Nashoba." The grey wolf states as he gestures to the upset pink female.

"It's great to meet you all." Teva replies. She never would have thought they were brothers, they acted nothing like each other.

"Sooo, are you the one we keep hearing about? Or is that another female?" Maccon questions.

Teva looks at Convel. "Did you tell them about me?"

"No..... I think they're talking about that black female from yesterday." Convel responds confused.

"Who, Kiyiya? That makes more sense, she's known you all longer than I have." Teva says.

"What about me?" Kiyiya appears with the rest of the pack.

"Looks like you've been the talk of their pack for a while now." Teva replies with a slight grin.

Kiyiya blushes."Oh, hush Teva!"

Teva giggled and stuck her tongue out playfully.

Blaez laughed and went to stand beside Kiyiya. "Come on, I can't keep a beautiful wolf like you a secret forever!"

"It's to be expected that you'd be the talk of the pack!" Rika announces.

"Yeah!" Teva agrees with a giggle. "You little superstar!"

"Not for long!" Convel laughs as he pulls Teva closer to his side.

Teva blushes and laughs. "H-hey!"

The girls all giggle.

"They sure are cute together!" Ari laughs.

Gunnolf lightens up about the previous fight and laughs as well. Wow, Ari's so beautiful in this sunlight....

"We'd better go, don't want the rest of the pack to worry.." Convel smiles at Teva.  

"Yeah." Teva agreed. "I have some things that need to be done back at the packs camp anyway."

"Alright. I'll see you later, hopefully." Convel smiles warmly at Teva.

"I'd like that." Teva replied with a smile.

"C'mon Teva. It's time to go." Karianna tells her healer.

Teva stood and stretched her legs. "Yes ma'am." She smiled before following the others.

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