Kiyiya's True Colors

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"That's enough, Teva!!!! You've taken it way too far!!! Stop picking on my sister!!!!!" Kiyiya stands her ground, seeming twice the size she was just minutes before. Her eyes flaring, her fur standing on end, her body filling with pure rage. The once small, timid, black female is finally showing her true colors.

Teva looked at Kiyiya with a stern and puzzled look. Kiyiya never spoke that way before... To anyone. Kiyiya meant business here. "I was just having fun... Lighten up..."

"I don't particularly like it when someone messes with my sisters!!!" She bares her teeth, folds back her ears, and growls as she rises into a more aggressive, and dominant, position.

Tevas eyes widened and her ears folded back. She took a few steps backwards, knowing that Kiyiya really wasn't kidding. Her tail tucked between her legs, she whimpered nervously.

"Don't do it again! You may be my friend but, family comes first...." Kiyiya states proudly, glaring at Teva.

The males, besides Blaez and Convel, begin to laugh as the females stare in shock. Rose, Nadia, and Luna all go wide-eyed at their sweet, beloved sister's sudden display of aggression.

Teva quickly nodded and decided to remain silent the rest of the time, still standing in a submissive stance before eventually relaxing.

"Ummm...... H-honey, are you alright....?" Blaez says with concern.

A large brown male strolled up to the group. "Now what's all this?!" Gunnolf asked, sensing the tension.

Ari rushes in. "What in the hell are y'all fightin' about now!?" Glaring at the other wolves.

Rika quickly follows. "Who's arguing this time?!" She states excitedly.

Gunnolf looks at the two approaching females, only paying attention to one of them. The gold one's really pretty. He thought.

Teva, still not wanting to speak, ducks her head in embarrassment. Not only did she embarass herself in front of two alphas, one of which was adorable, but, her whole pack! Kiyiya might as well rule the lands. All Teva wanted to do was disappear at this point.

Heyo my ninja wolves!!! Sorry it's so late, I meant to update earlier today. Anyways, the contest for Teva will continue for a while, I still haven't gotten any entries. I'm looking foreword to them! Have a wonderful morning/day/evening/night/week/weekend or whatever time span you are on!!
I wuvs chu all!!!! :3

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