Home Sweet Home....

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"Are all of the boxes in the truck, Collin," I asked as I tried my best to tug a box of my shoes out to Collins new truck that I made him buy yesterday.

"Yeah. Here, let me get that, Av," he said taking the box from me and putting it the bed of the truck.

"Thanks," I said and got into the passenger side. Collin finished arranging the boxes in the back and climbed into the drivers side. 'Alright, lets get'r done!' I said through the mind link and got a few laughs back. Collin put the truck in reverse and backed out of the garage, drove down the drive, and out onto the road that lead to the new house.

When we pulled into the driveway, Collin helped me out of the truck and told me to go into the house and dictate where everything had to go. When the guys had finished lugging everything inside, it was time to start unpacking. "Macie and Lacie, you guys come with me and help me unpack the clothes and things, and Collin, Chris and Harley, you guys unpack the kitchen and put all of the food in the refrigerator and put the dishes away. Oh! And don't eat us out of house and home, we will get takeout after we are finished," I said. They groaned and rolled their eyes, but nodded in understanding. "Good, now come on ladies, we have some work to do."

Me, Lacie and Macie trucked it up to mine and Collins bedroom and started unpacking the boxes. We tackled my side of the huge walk-in closet first because it would take the longest. We put all of my dresses in the very back, seeing as I don't wear them much. We put all of my nice blouses, pants, and jeans towards the front as well as my favorite black leather jacket. We stuffed all of mine and Collins shoes on the shelves and then made our way over to Collins side to put his clothes away. We hug up all of his suits, dress shirts, jeans, and other nice things. Finally, I put up mine and Collins underwear and night clothes away in the drawers under the racks myself, not wanting them to see those things. When we were done in the closet, they helped me put my make-up and...feminine products...in the bathroom, and we were done.

"What about the baby's stuff?" Lacie asked me as we walk down stairs passed Hadleigh Carson's room.

I shrugged, "We haven't bought any clothes or toys yet. We figured we could wait a little bi-"

"WHAT?!" Macie and Lacie yelled at me together. "Avril Lunnah! You are almost three months pregnant and you still haven't bought your baby any clothes?!"

"No." They looked like they were both about to faint, until a smirk appeared on both of their faces at the same time. Creepy.

"Don't you worry about it," They said together and darted down the stairs with me following slowly behind them. When I got to the kitchen, I saw each of the girls grab their mates and start trying to pull them to the door. "Come on, guys we have to go. NOW!" They said together again. They seriously need to stop doing that.

"Alright, whatever. Later guys," he said and Lacie and Macie proceeded to drag Chris and Harley out the door.

"Do I want to know," Collin asked me.

"I don't even want to know," I said and shuddered. "So, did you guys finish up down here?"

He nodded, "Yeah. I'm hungry, wanna order a pizza?"

"Yeah, sure," I said and Collin went and called Pizza Hut and ordered a large pepperoni and a large meat lovers pizza. A few minutes later, the door bell rang and Collin paid for the pizza. We went into the kitchen and grabbed a couple of drinks and went back in the living room.

"You wanna go in the theatre room and watch a movie or something," I asked him.

"Yeah, sounds good," he said helping me up. He grabbed the boxes of pizza and his drink and we walked down the halls to the theatre room. I sat down on a couch towards the middle of the room while Collin went to put in a movie.

He came back and sat down beside me, taking a piece of pizza and putting his arm around me. After all of the advertisements were done, the movie started to play. "Happy Feet, really Collin?"

Collin looked at me with big eyes, "What? It's a good movie," he said and I shook my head, but grabbed a piece of pizza and leaned back on him, getting comfortable. It was easier than you might have thought as this was our first night in the new house.

Ahhhh. Feeling like home already.

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