Are You Cheating on Me??

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It had been three and a half months since we brought Hadleigh home, and it had gotten easier over the weeks to take care of her. She was finally starting to sleep through the night. You have no idea how much of a relief that was for me and Collin. Everything was going great until Collin started acting really strange.

All the weird behavior started about a week ago. He said that he was going to the store and when I told him to wait because I wanted to go, he had a freaking spaz attack on me and said that he needed his "Collin time". Just today, he got some type of phone call and ran out of the house saying that he would be back in fifteen minutes. It has been three hours. Three. Freaking. HOURS!

I put Hadleigh in her room for a nap and walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch. A few minutes later, I heard keys rattle in the lock at the front door and Collin walked in. He looked over and smiled at me. He walked over and sat down beside me and tried to kiss me. Just as his lips were about to land on mine, I turned my head away. He looked at me puzzled, but I just got up and grabbed the keys to the truck. "Watch Hadleigh. I'm going out, it won't be longer than fifteen minutes, I promise," I said sarcastically and walked out the front door and drove to the pack house. I parked in front and walked inside, plopping down on the couch beside Chris and Lacie.

They looked over and me, "Hey Avie, where's - what's wrong?" Chris asked as he saw my excessively pissed off look.

"Oh, nothing really. Collin just told me that he was going out for about fifteen minutes and didn't come back for three hours is all."

"I'm sure there is a good reason, Avie. Did you give him time to explain?"

I dropped my head, "No," I said somewhat ashamed.

"See. I wouldn't worry about it. Come on, lets go get a coffee." I nodded and we walked out of the house and got into my truck. I drove to a local cafe that in the middle of the board walk. We found a table outside and sat down. We made our orders and talked for a little while.

After we were finished, I looked down at my phone and saw that it had been just over two and a half hours since I had left the house, and I had six missed calls. All from Collin. "I probably need to get home now. Collin's called six times and he's bound to be pissed. I'll drop you back off at the pack house," I said. She nodded and got into my truck. I dropped her and went back home.

I parked the car and went inside the house. Collin was sitting on the couch holding Hadleigh. When I walked in, he turned around and looked at me. He looked both hurt and severely pissed. "What the hell, Avril?"

I looked down, "Well, you told me that you would be back in fifteen minutes and you were gone for three hours, and I guess that it just hurt my feelings," I said and his pissed look slipped away and was replaced with guilt.

"I'm sorry, baby. I guess that I should have called. It took the guy at the store a little longer to get...what I was buying finished up," he said and I could tell that he was winging the last little bit of that sentence, but I just let it go because I didn't reallt feel like fighting with him. One thing most people don't know about Collin, is that he has a hella bad temper and when we fight, it is going to last three days at least with him sleeping in one of the guest rooms if he is lucky.

"It's fine, Collin," I said and he smiled and kissed me on the forehead. "Come on, lets go to bed, it has been a long day for me."

"Alright," he said and we put Hadleigh in her bed and went to bed ourselves.


"I'm going to the store babe," Collin said. It was four thirty and I was sitting in the theatre room with Hadleigh, watching The Little Mermaid.

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