This Means WAR....

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The ending credits for Happy Feet started rolling and I let out a big yawn and stretched. I picked up my phone and noticed that it was just passed eleven o'clock. I looked over at Collin and saw that he was asleep. I smiled to myself at how utterly adorable he looked. I didn't want to bother him, so I slowly untangled myself from his arms and walked into the kitchen.

I opened the refrigerator and grabbed a Coke and walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. After a few minutes, I got bored and walked outside to the lake and just watched the waterfall. Suddenly, I heard a twig snap behind me. I jerked around just in time to see Aaron step out of the trees.

He gave me an evil smile and stepped closer to me. "Why, hello Avie. Fancy meeting you here," he said, walking closer to me still. I let out a low growl before I could stop myself.

"What the hell are you doing here, Aaron," I hissed at him, unconsciously putting my hands over my now bulging stomach.

"I'm coming to get what's mine," he growled out at me just as he pulled out a knife and lunged at me, holding the knife to my throat. I officially started to freak out.

"COLLIN!!" I shrieked out as he pulled me back into the trees and shoved me into the back of a black truck. I hit my head on something hard and the world around me went darker than it already was.



I was jerked awake by Avie's piercing scream. I jumped off of the couch and started running to where I heard her voice come from: outside. I ran out the front door just in time to see some guy tugging her into the trees with a knife to her throat. "AVIE!!!" I yelled and ran full out to where I saw them disappear into the trees.

I ran into the tree's following the scent that I now recognized as Avie's ex-boyfriend, Aaron. A human. I let out a deep growl and ran farther into the trees until the scent stopped and tire tracks picked up. The little fucker had a car waiting.

I turned around and started running to the pack house. I shifted mid run. 'All fighters in the pack be ready in wolf form out in front of the house. Avie has been kidnapped! She is just over three months pregnant and we need to get her back, NOW!' I yelled at my pack as I continued to run as fast as my legs could carry me to the pack house. When I got there, all of the fighters, including Chris and Harley were out front, my dad in front of them, all in wolf form.

'I'm going to try and get through to her' I said to my dad and then tried to break through Avie's wall and get her to respond. 'Avie, baby girl, can you hear me?' No answer. 'Avril Lunnah, damn it, ANSWER ME!' Nothing.

'Have you tried her trail?' my dad asked me.

'Her trail? What the hell is that?'

'Every female wolf when they are pregnant, will have a trail. It can only be picked up by her mate. Since Avie is an alpha mate, her trail will be stronger.'

'How do I use it?'

'Just concentrate really hard on wanting her back and her trail will appear. It will look like glowing wolf prints in the dirt. I'm guessing that hers will be purple because she is an Alpha.'

'Alright, give me a second,' I said. I closed my eyes and thought about Avie and Hadleigh really hard. How I wanted my mate back and her and our pup to be safe. Suddenly, I felt a vibration go through me and I opened my eyes. I looked to the forest floor, and there in plane sight, was a thick, glowing purple string. I tilted my head back and gave a howl and started to follow the trail.

My pack followed behind me as I followed the trail north east, past the school. We went deeper and deeper into the forest behind the school until I stumbled upon a black truck. I sniffed around and caught Avie's scent in the back of it. I growled, but I had to keep myself under control. For her. I followed it to a small cabin, surrounded by men with guns. I could smell her in there with him.

This little shit has gone way to far. Threatening the life of my mate and my unborn pup! This means war!



When I came to, I was in a bedroom, tied to a chair. I started to move around and only then did I notice that I wasn't alone. Aaron sat sprawled out on the bed looking at me. "What the fuck Aaron?! Why are you doing this?"

"I told you, to get what is mine, and you belong to me," he said simply like he was commenting on the weather.

"I am not yours! I never was! And I'm pregnant Aaron, and she doesn't belong to you, she's my ma-boyfriends! I love him!"

Aaron rolled his eyes, "Come on now, Avie. I know he is your mate. I know you are a werewolf and that is a werewolf baby in your womb."

I gaped at him. "How do you-?"

"I am half werewolf. My mother was a werewolf and my father was a human. I may smell like a human, but I have all the advanced senses that a full werewolf does, I just cannot shift. Now what to do about that thing you are carrying," he said fiddling with the knife that he had just pulled from behind him. My breathing hitched as he walked towards me. He pushed the shirt that I was wearing up over my belly. I let out just a few tears as he started to lower the knife on my exposed stomach when a familiar howl filled the air.


Aaron growled and jerked back from me. He tightened the restraints on me to the point of pain and ran out of the room. I tried the mind link with Collin. 'Collin? Collin please hurry!'

'Baby, where are you? Are you okay?'

'Yes, I'm fine, but I won't be for long. I am inside the house in a bedroom. Aaron has tied me to a chair and was just attempting to cut out the baby! You have to hurry, Collin!'

'Hang on, I'm coming, baby,' He said and just then, I heard a horrible growl and then a hiss of pain right outside my door.  Then, the door to the room collapsed under Collin in his wolf form. When he saw me he shifted back and ran to me, taking off the restraints. When he got them all off he pulled me into a hug, "Baby are you alright?" I nodded. "Good, come on, lets get out of here."

"What about Aaron?"

"I took care of him, but there is something that you need to know," he said looking nervous and pissed.

"Your mother was in on it. She is dead too," he said looking at me, gauging my reaction.

I looked at him with a blank look and just shrugged, "It's really sad that I have to say this, but I honestly don't care. She never loved me."

"I'm so sorry Av," Collin said and pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head. "I love you."

"I love you t-" I was cut off my a searing pain in my stomach, and then a gush of water fell from between my legs. I looked down in shock.

Uh Oh.

"Collin, get me to the hospital. Hadleigh has decided to make her appearance a little early," I said and his eyes bulged. He picked me up bridal style and ran outside the house and out towards the pack. He started yelling things at the pack through the mind link. The only thing I caught through the pain was:

'Macie, get my truck ready, Avie is in labor!'

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