Ghosts, Ghouls, and High School Fools [10]

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A very short update...but...I like where it ends. :3

And, I just want to say thank you to everyone who's voted, fanned, and commented. I luff it all. >.


I shut the door to my room and collapse on my bed. This has been a hell of a day.

After that wonderful conversation with Jonathon's mom, which ended early because she had to leave, I got the heck out of there as fast as I could before Jonathon could stop me.

Way too much information at one time.

Want to know what's going on in my life right now?

Okay, here's the condensed version.

One. I'm a freak with freakish powers that do freaky things.

Two. My new house is haunted by three ghosts.

Three. My dead brother sent me a package (which I have yet to open).

Four. I'm being tormented by some three hundred year old boy named Jonathon and his mom.

Five. I'm apparently some sort of all-powerful kick-as demon slayer priestess. Fun.

Six. The fate of this town is in my hands.

What, don't remember six? Well, that's a new one.

Here's the situation in a nutshell. Jonathon's great-great-whatever Vikter's evil soul has been locked away in an equally evil black tree. That you know (remember the really long vision?). That vision was pretty much about how Vikter used Jonathon's body as a vessel to come back to life, but he failed because somehow Jonathon's mom managed to bring me to the past to help her seal Vikter away.

So, I'm also a time traveler. That can be number seven.

Over the years, Vikter has apparently been eating away at the seal and now his 'essence' or soul is leaking out. He's also apparently way stronger than anyone thought, so it seems that me, with my freakish powers that do freaky things, am the only one that can get rid of him forever.


I have absolutely no idea how to do that. Jonathon's mom said she'd convince Jonathon to teach me, train me, whatever. I'm kind of hoping, though, that she doesn't manage to convince him. The less time I spend with him, the better.


What the crap? Someone threw an apple at my head. Then, I feel a chill.

Oh, that stupid poltergeist picked the wrong day to mess with me.

"Come out, you coward!" I snarl.

Immediately, he appears as a shadow man. If he had a face, he would be smirking.

"You rang?"

Just his voice pisses me off.

My hands erupt in green fire, something I didn't even have to tell my body to do.

"I've had such a crappy day today," I growl, rushing towards him, "And I really don't need you to contribute!"

My hands wrap around his neck. The fire grows stronger and he screams; that unnatural scream that all ghosts seem to be able to do.

Wait, what am I doing? This isn't me! I'm not a violent person!

But the's stronger than I thought it could be. It burns at my mind, my body. It's consuming me, using me as it wishes.

Fire sparks on everything close to me, my furniture, my clothes, my carpet. I can see the black of the poltergeist slowly being eaten away by the fire, leaving skin in its place.

I scream, no longer in control of my body, as it grows hotter. The ends of my hair catch fire.

Then, it's over. A giant wind rushes through the room, coming from me as I screamed, putting out all the fire. There aren't even scorch marks.

When the wind dies down, i collapse against a wall, breathing heavily and sweating immensely. Next to me is a young man, maybe in his early twenties, in the same state as me.


His eyes open, looking wildly around the room until they settle on me.

"," he pants.

"For...what?" I'm equally exhausted.

"You...saved me...from myself." With that said, he manages (I don't know how, he looks so tired) to wrap his arms around me in a grateful hug. Too tired to resist, I lay my head on his cool shoulder. Before I know it, I'm asleep.

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