Chapter 1 | All rainbows and unicorns

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Chapter 1 | All rainbows and unicorns

Tears are spilling down my cheeks, while my arms are wraped loosely around Ivy's neck.

My lower lip is trembling hard, and I am sure that my eyes are bloodshot already.

She is hugging me so tight, that I feel I can't breathe anymore, but I still don't want to let her go because I know that once I do, I'll never get the chance to hug her again.

Today is the day when I have to move to Castletown, a city near Miami, beacause my parents got a better job there.

Ivy has been my best friend since I was like seven, so obviously we are really close, being every time around each other and stuff. Now that I have to leave, I feel like I have this big hole inside me that's being there without my permission. I promised that I will call her, and that we will Skype, but I know that eventually we will stop communicate because that is just how it goes.

After what felt like just a few seconds, but I think it was a good five minutes hug, Ivy pulls away.

Her gaze catches mine, and her eyes are full of tears, too.

She gives me a sad smile and she hugs me again quckliy.

"I will miss you, Cassidy," She whispers, trying to keep the small smile on her face, but failing.

"I'll miss you too, Ivy. A lot," I say, wiping my face with the back of my hand.

A loud noise heards from behind us and my head turns immediately to the source and there I see no one but my dad, with like ten suitcases around him .

"Ready hun?" He asks.

I nod, althought I am not ready at all.

I wanted to turn back to Ivy, but then I saw the suitcases again.

"Why are there so many suitcases?" I ask my father.

"Your mom considered that all the stuff from them is important," He answers with a sigh. "I sincerely doubt that, but you know how difficult your mother is sometimes."

"That's true," I agree.

While my father started putting the suitcases in the trunk, I turned back to Ivy, trying to hold on to this moment as long as I can.

We just keep silent for a bit, both of us being at a loss of words right now. After a few moments, the house door flies open, and my mom appears in the threshold with another suitcase by her side.

What the hell? Where are we going to put all this stuff? They packed the furniture too, or what?!

Mom locks the door, and then she drags her tiny suitcase till she is sitting right by my dad.

He puts one of his hands over mom's shoulders, his head turning to her. She is smiling like a mad woman and I can see just how happy they are being around each other. Dad gives her a small smile and then they both turn towards us.

"Girls, I think it's time for you to say goodbye," My mom says.

"Take care of you, kiddo!" My dad tells Ivy, apparently trying to lighten up the mood.

"I will Mr. Jenkins!"

"Yeah, Ivy, be careful. And tell your mother I said hi."

"Yes, Mrs. Jenkins," Ivy says, nodding.

They both smile at her, and then they go to the car with some of the suitcases, while I hug Ivy once again.

"So be careful, make a lot of new friends, have fun and the most important: don't forget me," Her voice cracks at the end, making my heart ache.

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