Black Boys Bloom Thorns First (Chapter 4)

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Chapter 4

"You're my baby
My lover, my lady
All night you make me
Want you it drives me crazy
I feel like you were made just for me baby
Tell me if you
Feel the same way..."

Musiq Soulchild – "So Beautiful"

N'Jobu had heard the phrase "Poetry in Motion" many times but watching Bakari and Califia go at it in his livingroom gave the saying texture and color. He and Serah had cordial words out on the balcony. Nothing too serious, just a quick chat about him joining her that night to attend a mutual friends party at a private Karaoke bar. He didn't feel like going, and Serah began to run down all the times she did things he wanted, even when she didn't feel like it. She ran her fingers up and down his cheek in that way she did when she pouted, and he needed a break from her before he gave in, and they both stepped back into the livingroom.

He saw what looked like a roundhouse kick from Califia connecting with Bakari's face. He watched Bakari touch his lip and laugh and Califia kiss him on his forehead. N'Jobu felt his chest tense up as he watched her full lips touch Bakari's face. Then she kicked him again and Bakari retaliated by pinning her down.

When Califia's eyes met N'Jobu's, he encouraged them to continue. She seemed hesitant at first, and then she closed her eyes for a moment and they began fighting in earnest. Until she flipped into him. N'Jobu held onto her arms to keep himself from falling, and then he couldn't let her go. The whites of her eyes were a bit red, and he could smell marijuana smoke in her hair. She was breathing heavily, and when he stroked her arms, he felt her sweat slicken his fingers. A soft shuddering sigh left her lips, made his ears tingle with the sound, and his head dropped forward and he stared at her chest. The lime-green top she wore was soaked and he could see through the outline of her round upturned breasts and her stiff nipples. Shit. Danger Will Robinson, danger.

He was grateful when Califia broke away from him and ran into the bathroom. It gave him time to go into his bedroom. He closed his door, opened drawers pulling out boxers and a pair of jeans. While sliding off his sweats, he saw that his dick was semi-hard. Seeing breasts was no big deal, but here his body was acting like it was thirteen again simply because he saw some nipples. Nipples he started imagining his tongue swirling around. Up close, Califia's body was what Bakari referred to as "slim thick". She had a dancer's body and moved with the poise of a trained lean athlete, but Califia also had an Oakland booty, thighs, and what Bakari would call "tig ol biddies". He didn't realize how large her breasts were until he was looking down at them through a top that had gone transparent from sweat.

Now he was standing in his bedroom with no pants on, and his cock at full mast thinking about her. He laughed at himself, pulled on his boxers, adjusted his junk and finished dressing.


Serah was sitting on the couch talking to Bakari. The music had been turned off, the tv replacing the background noise. N'Jobu saw Califia out on the balcony, rummaging through her backpack. He opted to stay away from her, not wanting to find himself staring at her chest or any other part of her body. Witnessing her moving around gave him a great appreciation for the physicality of her. He was curious to see her skills on stage as a dancer. He had so many questions to ask her about herself, but things just felt a bit off. It didn't help that she saw the little interaction between him and Andrea, and the slight awkwardness of Serah coming over unexpectedly. He played that shit off outwardly even though internally he was cursing himself for letting Andrea spend the night with him. It just wasn't a good look for Califia to see, especially when he genuinely wanted to get to know her.

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