Chapter one

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hey guys I'm really new to watt pad and this my first story I hope you guys like it :3 and I might update every day or every other day 

(Chapter One)

Summer was finally over and school was starting tomorrow, I was dreading the tomorrow, the day senior year started! School was not my forte' and the people there weren't

either you know the populars, the jocks ,and the teachers all that stress can do a number on someone! 

"Skyler?... Skyler.. SKYLER!!!" Mom said starting to get irritated.

"W-what!" she scared me to death, she gave me that "really" look and I knew she was going to bite my head off

"I asked if you liked these shoes, you know for school?" mom is really mad now " Or do you want this pair?" mom said really impatiently

mom hates shopping as much as I do and if  I don't make a decision she pick it for me and her stuff well isn't really my "style."

"Um I like the pink converses" they were really cute and well cute

"Good choice they're really you" I heard someone say it wasn't my mom so I turned around and in surprise it was one of best friends I haven't seen her since since summer started.

"Aubree!!"  I said as my face glowed with delight we hugged and then she looked at me i was starting to feel very uncomfortable so I shifted a little bit 

"W-what why do you keep staring at me!?" I was starting to get more annoyed then uncomfortable

"Sorry its just you've changed a lot since we last hung out?" she said trying to avoid my glare "short tempered as always I see."

"Sorry I didn't mean to snap at you." I didn't mean it though she was looking at me like I was some piece of food or something, things got awkward quick and the more silent it got the more aggravated I got. Then my mom finally said something and aubree's attention turned to her 

"I don't know about you but I would like to get this shopping over with" mom looked so aggravated and the vein was popping out of the side of her neck  and this time she really meant what she said.  Aubree looked amused and then her eyes changed colors from her hazel eyes  to  a  piercing brown color, that was really weird but I just shrugged it off.

"Um" I say trying to get her attention and it worked she turned her head towards me again  her  face still having that amused look on her face 

"Ok well I got to go finish shopping before mom blows a gasket" we laughed I felt forced  though,  this wasn't  my favorite  friend. 

she turned around and and waving as she said "Well see you at school tomorrow hope were in the same class," and with that she was out of the store.

"Well that was awkward" my mom said while looking at a shirt that was clearly for her  then she faced me and said which store would like to go to next? then looking at the shirt again and deciding put in the buggie anyways

"Hot Topic has some stuff I wanted to get" I just really wanted to get out of this store she paid for our stuff  and left. 

I got a couple of Hello Kitty shirts, a couple pair of jeans, shorts, and a Hello Kitty bag .I was pretty happy on what I got and ready to go home and sleep.

"Why do you like Hello Kitty so much?" mom always asked that when I got something Hello Kitty 

"I don't know I just like it." it was the truth I really didn't know  mom giggled a little bit and she paid for my stuff and left the mall. It was 11:30 when we got home it took forever we had to go to the store to get grocery for dinner and ended up getting take out . We sat around the island and it was quit it always is when we ate dinner  so drifted in my thoughts.

I cant wait to see Caleb my best friend in the whole world we could tell each other any thing   and we always hung out  except  this summer he said he had to go see his grand father  because he was very ill and he told me he would try and keep me updated but he has only called twice and wouldn't tell me anything i guess he had his reasons but it was aggravating me to no end. I hope he makes it for the first day of school...

I finally focused on what I was doing and I saw mom washing dishes I looked at my teriyaki  chicken and took a few more bites and put  the rest of it in the fridge i put my fork in the sink

"I'm gonna take a shower then go to bed, love you mom." I kissed her cheek and wen't upstairs to my room and grabbed a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and headed to the bathroom. After I was done brushing my teeth I went back to my room and plopped on the bed. To tired to think any more I turned the  light out and went to sleep.

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