Chapter five

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I closed the door and thought about what happened my best friend just kissed me! what the hell is wrong with me I just let him kiss me and I didn't do anything about it. This is not me if he thinks he won me over by what just happened then he's got another thing coming! I'm such an idiot he probably thinks that I'm easy or something!

I walked off into the kitchen and poured me a glass of orange juice I pulled out a stool from under the island I sat and thought about what just happened. my best friend kissed me and I kissed him back, how is this gonna effect my relationship with him.

" Hey sky when did you get in" i heard a voice say, I jumped and automatically put my hand over my heart, I thought I was gonna have a heart attack! I turned to the voice and saw my mom with her arms crossed over her chest and not looking to happy.

" You scared the crap out of me and I just got her a few minutes ago" I said trying to calm myself.  she giggled a little and walked over to me her face became serious, then she puled out a stool and set next to me.

" Well how did everything go with you and Caleb" she said raising one brow in amusement. I sighed I really didn't want to talk about it but f I didn't tell her now she wouldn't leave me alone until I did .

I sighed again " Calebkissedmeandikissedhimbackandnowidon'tknowwhattodo" I said in one big breath. she looked confused and like I was crazy.

" What, slow down so I can understand you" she said with a little bit of annoyance in her tone.

" Caleb kissed me and I kissed him back and don't know what to do!" I said staring at my hands.

" Oh that's it you had me worried for nothing." my mouth gaped open and stared out her wide eyed. Did my mom just say that, this woman is crazy!

" Mom! of course this is a big deal me and Caleb's friendship cold be over because of this!" I  exclaimed and used my arms to be over dramatic

" Ok, Ok, calm down obviously he likes you or he wouldn't have kissed you, but do you like him? Because their has to be some reason you kissed him back or was it just the heat of the moment?" she said taking one of my hands and giving it a reassuring squeeze. there was a silence after that it wasn't an awkward one though.  I just sat there and let her words sink in.

" I-I don't know" I finally said breaking the silence.

"hmm ok well dinner is ready" she said changing the subject 

" Cool so what are we having" I said hopping off the stool and following mom into the dinning room

" Your favorite chicken Parmesan."

" Yum!" I said running to my seat. she chuckled and set right across from me. the dinner was quiet and i was almost done with my dinner but I couldn't take the silence anymore.

" so how was school" mom sipping on her drink, finally someone broke the silence!

" it was fun and most of my friends are in my classes " I said 

"well good at least you wont be bored in class" she said 

"yeah.." I trailed off 

"So how was work" I said looking into her blue eyes

" It was ok " she said sounding a little disappointed 

" oh well i'm gonna go to bed see you in the morning" I said as I got up I walked over to her kissed her cheek and then grabbed my dishes to put in the sink. I walk up the stairs to the bathroom and I opened the door and started my shower I stood there in the warm water and thought tomorrow is gonna be stressful day.


Sorry i haven't updated in a while school just started and I've been really busy. I'm super sorry this chapter is short i had really bad writers block on this chapter but hopefully the next one is better. :3





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