Chapter 13 - Sliver of time

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"No that doens't work for me, I have some fight training at that time, what about at 9?", Chris spoke on the phone. "Ok, what about you some over, I'll be done by 8.30 and we can spend time then.", Chris tried to find a slot to meet Holly. His rehearsal schedule was packed and she was facing a hectic week at work too. "Ok, can't wait to see you baby", Chris said as he walked back into the room with Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson and Mark Ruffalo. They were going over some of the scenes and were on a small break. "Hems! Change of plans, Jon text saying Elizabeth can't make it today so we are doing the third fight scene, so Evans and I are coming with you for the training.", Robert said as he looked up from his phone. "Yeah thats fine but I have to leave at 8.30 though, I have to meet Holl", Chris said. "Oooo! Holll", Robert said, wiggling his eyebrows and grinning like a teenager. Chris blushed. "Ok, gotta call the missus and tell her I'll be home late", Robert said and left the room.

Chris got home and dropped his gym bag near the stairs. He cleaned up his living room a little and lit some of the candles on the tables and consoles nearby, waiting for the sweet fragrance to fill the room. He took out boxed meal from the fridge, which he was supposed to eat. The meals had timings written on the cover, along with the contents. He read the label, "Chicken and Broccoli, 8.30pm" as he waited for the microwave to heat up his bland food. He quickly chewed and swallowed his food, half because it was so bad and half because he was starving after his three hour fight training and choreography. He finished his large portion and headed to his room, picking up his gym bag. He changed out of the sweat pants and a hoodie into shorts and a tshirt and came back into the beautifully lit, fragrant living room. He put on the TV as he waited for Holly to come.

Holly reached at about 10. She was late and was caught up with a client at dinner and profusely apologized to Chris. She knew Chris had early morning training and went to bed early to pack in his long work hours. She wanted to meet him, even for a little while. She had not seen him since their first date, which was over a week ago. Although Chris and her text each other almost throughout the day and spoke every few hours for a few minutes, it wasn't the same. They both wanted to spend time together but it had been a busy week. Chris opened the door and immediately smiled as he saw her. "Hi", she said as she stood on her toes and hugged him. "Hi", he replied as he leaned in for a kiss. "How was your day?", She asked as she placed her purse on the console and sat on the couch next to him. "Was ok but now it's better", he said, putting his arm out for her to snuggle. "Mmmm, mine too", she replied, getting comfortable against his hard body. "Want to watch a movie?", he said, handing her the remote. "Don't you have to go to bed soon?", she replied. "No, not till midnight.", he said, checking his watch. She laughed, "Ok Cinderella, what do you want to watch?", she said flipping channels. Soon after, they started talking and were barely concentrating on the TV. "When are your parents coming?", he asked her. "Oh I spoke to my dad today and he said they are planning to come in about 2 weeks. They are spending St Patrick's day there and then gonna come here. I'm so jealous, I love St. Patricks day in Chicago, its so wonderfully festive", she said. "We can go there next time maybe", Chris said. "Definitely, you'd love it.", she said and smiled. As the movie got over, Chris and Holly just sat on the sofa and cuddled, talking about heir families and growing up. A few minutes later, Chris lost track of what she was saying and was only staring at her beautiful face. The candles made her face shine in the darkness. Her eyes were so expressive when she spoke, he could see all the emotions she was conveying. Her lips quickly turned into soft smiles as she continued speaking and moved with such a rhythm. "Are you even listening?", she said, breaking his concentration. "Huh? What? Yeah you were talking about Chicago", he replied in a panic. Holly laughed and said, "Yeah about 10 minutes ago! I was talking about my dad, and you were not paying attention", she said, demanding an explanation. "I was just occupied with how beautiful you look and how your eyes smile when you speak", he said, knowing she was going to forgive him in a second. She just smiled and leaned over to him and gave him a long kiss.

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