Chapter 18 - Pain and Paparazzis

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"Ugh..stop calling!!!", Holly screamed at her phone. She sat in her office trying to focus on work. She had not told her parents about the news yet. She wasn't ready to face it herself. They were going to Santa Barbara to spend the day and meet some of their friends and come back at night. She was glad to have one less thing to worry about that day. Her phone kept going off every ten minutes, first it was Will, then Chris, then a contractor about some emergency and then Will again, over and over. She wanted to turn her phone off but she couldn't during work hours. She was angrier than before, her blood was boiling and all she wanted to do was scream but there would be no point. The photo would still exist, the man would have cheated. Her email was scattered by emails from Will and she had managed to have all his mails sent to the spam folder. She hesitantly Googled Chris, knowing what to expect but hoping differently anyway. She winced at the number of websites which popped up, all with similar headlines. It seemed like the picture had been circulated generously.

She decided she couldn't deal with it and just left, leaving her manager Dustin in charge. She went home, quickly changed and drove towards a hike trail. She started walking, alone, with just her car keys and a bottle of water. She needed to be alone, to process her feelings and make some decisions. She wanted to talk to Chris and understand everything but she knew talking to him with so much anger was not going to yield logical results. Half of her loved him and wanted to forgive him but the other half knew better and told her to run, fast in the opposite direction. Holly walked quietly up to a waterfall and sat on the ground, resting backward on her arms and stretching out her legs. She closed her eyes for a moment, just listening to the waterfall. Just 24 hours back, things were so simple, so clear and now everything seemed murky. Chris, her honest, mature, amazing boyfriend, turned out to be just like another guy. What a waste. Holly sat there for an hour, till the sun's blaze was right overhead. The heat pricked her bare arms. She got up and started walking towards the end of the hike trail, feeling more peaceful than before. She was ready to talk to Chris now. As she got into the car, she took a deep breath and checked her phone, 14 missed calls from Will and 3 from Chris. Great, he was making Will do the dirty work. Holly decided to call Will first, feeling like he deserved it, he did try to tell her right from the beginning.

"Holly! Oh thank god, I was waiting at your office for an hour but they said you left. Where are you?", he said, sounding jumpy. "Will, I saw the photo, please don't lie to me.", Holly said, trying to hide the tremble in her voice. "Holly, I know it looks like something happened between them but it didn't. Chris called me straight once this happened and I told him not to tell you because it would give off the wrong idea but I didn't know someone would have slicked a picture", WIll said, rushing through the words to get them all out. "So what happened Will", Holly asked, almost breaking down, not wanting to hear what was going to be said next. "Holly, she tried to kiss him but he didn't. Somehow this picture was clicked just before he pushed her away Hol. He would never ever hurt you", Will said. Holly asked, "Will that sounds like such a made up story. How would someone have clicked it at such a perfect moment, its virtually impossible". "I know, it's so weird that it can't possible be untrue. He called me straight after that and asked if he should tell you, but I told him not to because there is no use for unnecessary insecurities in relationships", Will explained. Holly started to cry, for the first time since she saw the photo, since she thought Chris cheated. "Holly, he loves you. He's been busy because he's trying to do as many scenes possible to take a break and come back to see you. Please talk to him, he's been going crazy since yesterday", Will said. Holly managed a "Ok, I'll call you later. Bye", in between her sobs. She waited for a few minutes till she settled down, wiping her tears and then she clicked Chris' name on her phone.

"Holly, baby! I'm soooo happy you called. I love you, I please forgive me. I really love you", Chris said as soon as he answered. "Chris", Holly managed to say before Chris repeated the whole story, with some more details than what Will had shared. "Baby if you want me to come back for a few days I will, please say that you're ok?", Chris pleaded. "Chris, I'm going to be honest here. I don't know what the truth is. Your story is just all to convenient. I think maybe we should just take a break for a few days, I need some space to process this. I'm going to be busy with my parents this week anyway so I'll call you after ok? Please don't call me", Holly said firmly and hung up without giving Chris a chance to talk. She knew he was hurting, but she was hurting a lot more. She felt herself feel a little stronger after talking to Chris and decided to head back home.

She saw a new message from Will once she got home, she opened it to read, "I hope you change your mind. He's heart broken. I won't bother you anymore, just had to tell you. All the best Holly. :)" She felt sad knowing Will was really rooting for them to work out and he understood Chris' feelings. She took a hot shower and changed into pajamas and dug into a tub of ice cream as she sat and watched as much of Firefly till her parents got home.

She woke up next morning when her mother knocked on the door. "Holly?", she asked again. Holly check the clock, 8.50am. Shit. "Gimme a sec mom", she said back as she tied her hair and rushed to open the door. "Are you ok baby, you seemed a little upset last night and you're sleeping in late today..", her mother asked. "Yeah, just had a fight with Chris, it's nothing", she answered and ran to the bathroom, giving access to her mom to come inside and sit. "Oh, ok, are you sure? Do you want to come with us to the beach today?", He mother asked. "No, I'm late and I have to work, I can't skip out again today", she replied, reappearing from the bathroom and heading for the kitchen to make some coffee.

Holly reached the office and sat her purse down on the table. A half hour later, in, a man in a uniform came in, holding a bunch of flowers. "Uh, Holly Bennett?", he asked, looking at her. "Yeah?", she looked up. "There are for you miss", He said as he extended the flowers to her. "Thank you", she said and grabbed the beautiful bouquet of pink peonies. Her favourite. She knew it was from him. Apology flowers, since he was banned from calling her. She opened the note, expecting to find as elaborate approach to a 'sorry' that he could think off, but it simply said, "Check Twitter x". She rushed to her computer and opened twitter to find herself tagged in a photo. She clicked on it and saw, it was the one she had given Chris when he left. He'd clicked a picture of it and tweeted it the previous night, saying, "On set of #AvengersAgeofUltron. Missing my #gorgeousgirlfriend. Wish you were here baby x". It had got over 10,000 re-tweets and about 20,000 favourites an countless comments on how cute and happy they looked. She smiled a little. Chris had publicly announced it. His grand gesture. Now she had to call him.

She waited for lunch time, trying to find the time to call him when he would be free to talk for a few minutes without having to rush around. It was going to be one of those conversations which you can't just speed through. She  dialed his number, leaning back in her chair, closing her eyes. Her eyes suddenly opened as soon as she heard, "Holl?". Her heart pumped faster just hearing his voice. "Hi", she said. "I love you Holl, I'm so so sorry.", Chris blurted. "I got the flowers", Holly said. "Did you check twitter?", he asked. His voice sounded like he was smiling. She loved that voice. "Yeah I saw it", she answered, not giving away her emotions. "Aaaaannndd?", Chris asked. "And nothing Chris, all this doesn't make up for the fact that you kissed her or almost kissed her or whatever happened", Holly said, angrily. Chris stayed quiet for a minute and then said, "Holly, I promise you, nothing happened. I would never hurt you. Please trust me.", his voice wavering. She could tell how much he was hurting. "It's really hard to trust you now Chris.", Holly said, as a tear fell from her cheek. Chris spoke again,"Holl, it's up to you. Either you trust me and believe that nothing happened and I love you or you don't trust me and you can throw"

This is a shorter chapter but I'm aiming to upload another one soon. Please comment! x

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