what a 'beautiful' morning

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Jeff and I were walking down the long stairs to eat breakfast with the rest of the pastas.

"Then ben just threw his controller at the Tv. Which caused it to break and oh boy slendy was so mad that he banned video games for 2 weeks," jeff said for the past seconds. "Ha, Ben must be deva-."

A loud scream came from the kitchen following with a loud sound of a pan falling to the ground.

"Wonder what happened. Lets go check it out." Says Jeff.

I just nodded and starting floating down the stairs ( my mom is a god so i can float/fly in the air and since slendy meh dad i have tendrils and i can also teleport) with Jeff following behind. I open the kitchen door to see pans and flour on the ground. Everyone is covered in flour and Sally is on the ground making a flour angel.

"What in the Zalgo are you guys doing" i said to them.

At first everyone is froze in their spot but after a second everyone pounced on me with tears in their eyes. Jeff is just standing there smiling. (well he is always smiling with that cut of his)

"um hii can you guys get off me. I don't like hugs remember." I say  while swinging my arms around the place.

Everyone got off of me expect for Sally.

"Heh Sally darling you can let go now."

"no"she said.

I smile at her and just got up from the floor with her arm wrapped around my waist.

"I see my sister came back to her senses",said Alex,my 2nd older brother,while patting my head. I slapped his hand away while glaring at him.

"you know i hate that,"i said.

"i know and thats why i did it."

"Sigh anyways where are the other two bakas ahem i mean brothers" i ask him. Right after i said that i feel two people hugging me.

"HEYYO" said my 3rd oldest brother,Joseph.

"hi"also said my 1 oldest brother,Heco.

"Stop hugging me. You'll squish Sally" i said while pushing then off to make sure they wouldnt squish sally.

"Its nice to see my daughter is back to normal" said Slendy.(Alex: hey i said that. Me: shut up )

"Well thank Jeff for breaking my cold shell. He actually ca-" Jeff covers before i could finish.

"U-um what she wants to say is that i slapped her back to her old self" he said while glaring at me.

I roll my eyes at him. I try pushing his hand off but it wouldn't budge so i just lick it. Which made jeff to take his hand off and  wipe it on his pants.

"Ew why did you do that?"

"Idk maybe cause you wouldn't take your hand off" i told him while gently pulling Sally off of me.

"If slapping Death got her back to her old self then slapping her can make her do all my chores" says Ben.

"Do that and the last thing you will be slapping is the ground for mercy when i break your bones." i say while making a fist.

"Calm down sis" says Alex.

"Whatever anyways im hungry and who will clean up the mess"
"BEN!!" everyone shouts.

"Just because im the short one. Wait why cant Sally help me. She is also short" He said.

"Because she is to precious to clean. She can only cause the mess. " i say leading Sally to her seat on the table. Ben just sigh and got to cleaning.

"Its awesome to see you back Death. Now we can talk about girl stuff ", says Jane while grabbing plates.

Nina popped beside me " Oooo girl stuff. Hmmm say do you like any of the boys or girls we wont judge." She said while smiling evilly.

"W-wha i like no one the only thing i like is foonime" i said while glancing at Masky. (is that how you spell it brisa. Food + anime = foonime, right?)

I just blink and i see Jane ,Nina , Clockwork surrounding me even Sally was there.

" You like him~"
"Really him? I thought you would like Jeff since He was the first person you talked to"
" Jeff!! Ew she would go with Masky better than that white short tempered guy"
" Miss Death will marry Masky and have so many kids and i can play with them." They said.

" its funny that you guys think i like masky" i told them while looking down smiling.

"If it aint Masky then who is it?" they said confused


Imma just post half of this chapter cuz i feel like i made you guys wait for to long(but then again who would read this). Also Death Scar as 3 brothers Heco Scar, Alex Scar, and Joseph Scar. Imma draw Alex ,Heco,Joseph together okay my burritos. Imma call ya burritos from now on deal with it. BYEEEEE

X3 :3

P.S i used one of my friends(onii-chan) for the book. He is joseph19O10 JosephO19 . Two different accounts controlled by the same guy. *whispers* go follow both of those accounts he needs followers. Badly.

Anyways luv you guys. But not as much as i love anime guys. Jk onii-chan will be mad if he hears that. (>;^-^)> byeeee again

Edit: Ayyy i put part and part two together to make it longer

I know ive been dead for a while but i have no motivation to continue.

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